Chapter 26: Endless Nights

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Peter hasn't been out as Spider-Man since Christmas. Today is January 2nd on Sunday, since it's passed midnight.

Yeah, New Years Eve was fun and all but Peter couldn't stop worrying about the texts. They haven't been talking about it since but he knows they still feel it.

Peter is back down in the lab to fix himself extra web fluid. He's thinking about going back to Spider-Man maybe after AcaDec practice or the day after, he's not really sure.

It's the middle of the night but this is the usual for him. He gets a nightmare and then goes down to the lab. He has set a new protocol in Friday so she isn't allowed to tattle. He doesn't want her to keep bothering everyone about how he's still getting nightmares. He knows it's normal and all but he still doesn't want to wake them.

"Mini boss, please take the protocol off" Friday practically pleads.

Oh and he also made the protocol on Karen and Jarvis so she can't ask them to go wake someone up.

"I'm sorry Fri but I don't want you to wake anyone up. I'm fine, seriously" Peter assures.

"You are not fine. Boss did the same thing. He'd spend hours in the lab and shut everyone out" Friday exclaims.

"I'm not shutting anyone out. I just don't want to bother them while they are trying to sleep" Peter corrects.

"You are shutting them out from your well-being" and if Friday were human, she would be rolling her eyes.

Peter takes a deep breath in and out. He knows he should listen to her but he just can't. 


Mj bursts up in her bed, almost knocking Murph off in the process.

"Meow" Murph meows.

"Sorry Murph, didn't mean it" Mj sighs, petting her cat that is laying besides her as she quickly turns on her table light. 'It wasn't real, just a nightmare. Peter is fine, he's fine and sleeping hopefully peacefully.'

Mj grabs her sketchbook from off her nightstand and begins to sketch Murph before moving onto reading since she's got nothing better to do with sleep not being in option.


Ned falls out of his bed with a thud. He lets out tired groan and gets up, flipping his lamp on. He checks the time on his phone only to be blinded by the screen light and the lamp shining in his eyes.


He flops back onto his bed with his face facing the ceiling before getting up and playing with a new Lego set his sister got him for Christmas.


Flash wakes up with his heart pounding. He quickly turns on his beside lamp and take a deep breath out.

He looks around to only realize it was just another nightmare.

He sighs and grabs his phone, leaving it charged in and decides to play some games like he usually does. He's just glad he didn't wake up screaming again, no doubt that Mj, Ned and of course Peter doesn't too.


Now it's the middle of the night on January 3rd on the annoying Monday that is bringing them all to school.

Peter, Ned, Mj and Flash are all tossing and turning in their sleeps. 

Happy is suppose to be driving them to school in the morning and he still will be. The teens know they could handle it. It's just a little nightmare.




All four of them burst out of sleeping, gasping for breath. Karen automatically turns on the light since Peter had programmed her into the apartment a long time ago. They all look at each other before letting out a deep breath.

"Karen, time?" Peter asks.

"It is 4:27 in the morning. I suggest taking off the protocol so I can wake May unless you want me to text somebody else" Karen suggests hoping to Thor that Peter turns off the protocol.

"Thanks Kare, we're fine" Peter thanks as he takes another deep breath out.

"We could've been sleeping for another two hours" Ned complains though he's used to this already.

"I'm sorry that you guys have to go through this" Peter apologizes.

"Stop with the blame game. It's not your fault, it was the sick and twisted bastards" Mj assures.

"Plus it wasn't like you're the one who kidnapped us" Flash scoffs.

"I'm still sorry. It only happened because I know you" Peter sighs.

"Dude, stop blaming yourself like seriously" Ned states.

"So, what do you guys wanna do now?" Mj wonders.


The teens had turned on a movie on Peters laptop.

But they couldn't focus on the movie.

All they could focus on is their nightmares and the endless nights they've encountered since their kidnapping.


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