dating devon bostick includes

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-you two are soulmates 100%

-doing stupid shit together, all the time

-"when you step on ants, do their friends get upset?" "Devon, please go to sleep"

-he filmed a majority of his vines with you

-you dress up for Halloween every year, whether it be nonsensical or cute you always dress up

-"wanna make a firepit?" "Uh, duh!"

-although you loved when he had lots of hair in the first two seasons of The 100, you found him very hot when he shaved his head, and when he bleached his hair

-mcDonalds at 3am

-dance parties to icp in the middle of the night

-him getting things on top shelves for you (if you're short like me)

-showering together, it can get steamy, but he gets too cutesy and kinda awkward at times

-late night talks about everything

-him making fun of you, mainly during events

-wine, just about every night

-listening to music on full blast and singing loudly

-you have pie nights

-sometimes you spend hours just looking into eachothers eyes, waiting for one of you to laugh

-long makeout sessions

-very good at hiding your relationship, but you announce it anyway

-naps, cause neither of you sleep at night

-being in a few of the same movie/show projects together (okja/words on bathroom walls)

-"I love you Y/n, more than you could imagine."

-his lips are very soft, yet so rough

-sleeping with his chin on your head and his hand clutching your boob lightly




-you often find yourself sitting in his lap

-always telling jokes just to hear your laughs

-when you cry, he cries, and vice versa

-going on adventures at night

-screaming song lyrics in the car

-dancing at parties together and getting drunk

-wearing his hoodies with little underneath

-long and warm hugs

-temple kisses

-hand kisses

-forehead kisses

-washing eachothers hair

-"I want ice cream." "It's one in the morning babe." "I still want ice cream." *at the store* "I hate you." "Cmon bub." "You want cake?" "I want sleep." "I think you want cake."

-Buying a rat

-cowgirl, just for bouncy boobs


-loving everytime you moan his name

-he's insanely dominant, but doesn't show it



-clean in the streets, freak in the sheets

-him eating you out a lot

-"fuck Y/n, you're getting me all worked up."

-giving eachother stick n pokes

-tattooing his initials on your boob

-tattooing your initials on his v-line




-singing Tears for Fears in the rain

-sending eachother weird memes

-shower makeouts are the best with him

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