reaction to you wearing their clothes

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Devon- HE GETS SO SMUG AND SMILEY ABOUT IT AND ITS ADORABLE! He loves especially when you wear his 'earth day' shirt that he stole from the set. It's like showing you off to all the people who wanted you before you had him. Devon just loves when you wear anything of his in general, he'll literally beg for you to wear a shirt of his during press tours, and meet n' greets. The entire cast and crew think it's so cute when you wear his things, just shows them how much you love eachother. You even sleep in his shirts just about all the time.

Jasper- this giant fucking ball of joy blushes till it looks like he's gonna explode, and he pulls you closer to him when you wear his blue sweatshirt, it's always the sweatshirt. Jasper thinks it's adorable when you wear his clothes, he's a huge show-off when it comes to you, will not hesitate to kiss you in front of anyone who goggles at you. When you walk in the room wearing his clothes, he will come up behind you and hug you, cutely questioning why'd you wear his shirt with a cute smile on his pretty face.

Rodrick- you only specifically wear two of his shirts, his loded diper tee, and his black zombie shirt. He dies of embarrassment everytime you wear his shirts. Not in a bad way, in a blushy, hide his face in your neck embarrassment. You usually wear said shirts with jeans or a long skirt, and it makes him feel so special when you style it and say you like the way his shirt looks, even when others think it looks utterly tacky, he loves it so... keep doing it, for rodrick.

This was requested by marylouhooper, so thanks for the request dude. Have a good day dudes and dudettes

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