dating jasper jordan includes

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-meeting him when he gets speared

-he is best cuddler

-singing together in the rain

-getting high together

-"I'm seeing double, am I okay?" "I have to pee."

-skinny dipping in rivers, lakes, and streams

-cheek kisses

-chest kisses

-neck Kisses

-always makes fun of you for being shorter than him

-him learning how to braid your hair

-gives the best head massages

-midnight walks to random fields

-staying up all night just talking to eachother

-being so worried when he didn't wake up for a few days after getting speared

-you screamed at Clarke for leaving him behind when you brought him back

-cleaning his spear wound

-staying with him every night

-snapping is goggles on his forehead to make him annoyed

-drinking moonshine with Monty and Jasper

-being jealous of Maya

-scared of him while he's controlled by ALIE

-you knew it was him somewhere, but you were terrified of him nonetheless

-tight hugs

- "you mean so much to me y/n"

-picking you up while you wrap your legs around his waist

-making eachother laugh




-having sex in the rover

-hour long makeouts

-crying together

-kissing you so hard your lips become swollen

-polaroid pictures of eachother (modern au)

-sharing a tent

-sleeping with with you protectively in his arms, and his hand running through your hair




-standing up for him after Mount Weather (to all the people who say his character was ruined can suck it)

-him smacking your ass when you two work the same shifts to purely piss you off

-they know you and Jasper work good together, but you sometimes distract eachother

-tree sex

-pretty much vanilla in s1 and s2, only doing overstimulation and dirty talk

-defo has a daddy kink in s3

-teasing you in public, public sex kink?

-atleast he doesn't die a virgin this time

-sometimes he just comes up to you and squeezes you tightly to remind himself that you're still here

-everyone is jealous of your relationship

-"you're such a cutie."


-dirty talk

-you're a rope bunny

-you have to cuddle him before he sleeps, and while he sleeps, it's mandatory

-dying hand in hand

-"see you on the other side Y/n." "Right back at you goggles." You both say weakly, as your eyes begin to droop, as Monty cries over the loss of his bestfriends, barely noticing the fact that Y/n and Jasper were holding hands. Three finally became one, farewell Y/n L/n and Jasper Jordan. See you on the other side.

h a l l u c i n a t i o n s    ◇    devon  bostick  imagines  and  preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now