Somebody point me to the best ass-eater

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Devon- one of the best ass eaters out there. Although he greatly prefers cunniligus, he doesn't mind the good ol' booty lick. Mostly uses it as a humiliation tactic as a form of punishment. But doesn't do it all too often, like seriously, y'all might be horny but you're still like actual human beings. Having sex is like a 3 days a week thing. He isn't going to just eat your ass his his pleasure but yours too. So he makes sure to rub you a lil' bit too😝.

Jasper- all fingers point to Jasper, he is the all time best ass eater. When you guys aren't at risk of dying or having another war, he is the most disgusting, grossest, kinkiest person ever. Ass eating, spitting, anal, he's gross, but I like that 🤭. You have to be honest with yourself, he's probably had enough time in jail to think about what gives him a boner. And that he did for a very long time. When he finally met you, all of his fantasies were right infront of him in human form. He gets jiggy with it.

Rodrick- he is gross, he'll eat your ass, like duh. It's the least surprising, but he is the shyest about his kinks. Won't exactly admit it, but he loves getting rimmed 😶. He doesn't have like a scat kink or anything but absolutely loves tying you up and putting desert toppers on your asshole and eating them off, but like when you do anal he likes seeing his cum deep out of your ass and onto his sheets 🤭. It's just a Heffley thing.

Adam- he said he'd try eating your ass 'cause you wanted him to, now he can't stop. A sore ass is your bestie at this point. Adam will eat his cum out of your ass, put whipped cream on your ass and lick it off, loves seeing the desperation radiating off your body. When I'm saying he'll eat you raw, I'm not fucking kidding.

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