How they act when they're sick

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Devon- low key whines, a lot. 'Babeeee I don't feel good', 'my stomach hurtss'. The list will go on, but he just so adorable when he's sick. His eyes will be constantly half lidded due to him usually being half asleep, and the constant baby voice that doesn't cease until he feels better. Won't let you kiss him, but will let you cuddle him (make you cuddle him).

Jasper- he just whimpers a lot on the first day, but will eventually get over himself and attempt to get better. If he's sick, you're sick babes, no in between. You might be a little less sick, or worse than him, but you're ironically always sick around the same time. You always tend to take care of each other instead of asking Clarke or Abby for help.

Rodrick- this hoe never gets sick. It's always you, on the off chance he actually does get sick and doesn't just fake it to get out of going to school, it's living hell for both of you. He whines, groans, and complains about his throat hurting and his nose being stuffy etc.

h a l l u c i n a t i o n s    ◇    devon  bostick  imagines  and  preferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora