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Two agonizing days had passed. I was living off of dry food and little to no human interaction. I spent my time sleeping and crying. I tried every possible idea I got in hopes of escaping, but none had worked. I tried not to think about it, but it was all I could think about. I was living a hell I never imagined. I prayed someone would just come and end my misery before I had to spend my life with this feeling. I would much rather die than be here any longer.

I sat on my bed, arms wrapped around my knees when my door unlocked. My eyes widened and I sat up straight, only to be met with my mother's eyes. She glared at me and closed the door behind her. I could see Anthony outside it to ensure I could not possibly make a run for it. She stood at the foot of my bed and dropped a ring onto the bed. I stared at it, eyebrows raised as I refused to touch it.

"Whats that for?" I asked, not looking at my mother.

"Anthony has agreed to marry you, even after all this. Be grateful and put it on."

I shook my head, looking up at her.

"Excuse me?" She stared at me, that angry glare growing stronger in her eyes,

"I will not wear that. I will not marry that man," I said. She walked toward the side of my bed and grabbed my face, forcing me to look in her eyes.

"You will. Do not fight it now, you got yourself stuck here. Your only choice is to obey, Hyacinth. Your life will not get better."

"I won't get better at all. I'm not marrying him." I stood my ground and glared up at her. She let go of my face and closed her eyes, placing a hand on her chest.

"It would benefit you to learn how to act like a lady," she said.

"What's the point? I'll never see the outside world again thanks to you, so why should I do anything to please you?"

"You've a lot of nerve speaking like that!" She yelled. I stared blankly at her, not moving at all. She grabbed the ring and went to grab my arm. I tensed and tried my best to make her let go. If I held her off for long enough I could make her leave. But she persisted. I kept my arm tense and she tried to force the ring onto my finger. I clenched my fist tightly and held my own, glaring up at her. She let go of me after a short fight and looked down at me, dropping the ring into a small bag. I felt a wave of pride as she gave up, and for a second I felt like myself. I felt like a real human again. I looked down at my hands and thought of Marius once again, my mind replaying what he had said to me the day before the rally.

"Don't you dare conform to what she wants you to do."

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I remembered his words. I blinked and looked up, my face instantly being met with my mothers hand. She slapped the side of my face, the sound ringing in my ears. My cheek stung and my hint of a smile was wiped from my face. My hand went up to the side of my face as I looked up at her in horror. She showed no remorse and simply walked away, closing and locking my door behind her. My moment of hope turned back to what it always was. I let a tear slide down my face as I stared at the door. I could try to open it. Pray they hadn't truly locked it. I could run to the cafe. To my friends. To Marius.

I shoved myself off the bed after a few silent minutes and placed my hand on the handle. To no surprise of my own, the door didn't budge. My head hung low and I felt all hope shatter. I turned away from the door and walked toward my bed, planning on crawling into it and never climbing out. As I neared it, I heard the door unlock. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around, seeing the door slowly push open. My heart pounded as it fell open. No one stood in the doorway, the key in the handle. I slowly walked toward the now open door and peered outside, praying I wouldn't be met with an angry Anthony.

I looked into the hallway. My heart was in my throat now as I looked around. Somebody came around the corner and I braced myself, but a punishment never came. Instead, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked down and locked eyes with Constance, who beamed up at me. I let my hands fall onto her back and I ran my hand through her hair.

"Father told me to save you," she mumbled.

"Did he now?" I looked up and locked eyes with him, a worried look in his eyes. His eyes were red and he seemed to have also been having a horrible time. I smiled at him, letting go of Constance.

"Where are they?" I asked wearily.

"They left. Went to the next town over. Get out of here. Pack some things and go. I cannot bear thinking of you being forced to live the life they're forcing you into."

I rushed toward him and engulfed him into a hug, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Go," he said, running a hand over my head.

I followed his order and threw a few things into a bag. I ran down the stairs and out the door toward the town. I knew exactly where I'd go. It may be obvious to Mother, but I'd at least be with my friends. I didn't even know what time it was. All I knew was I was away from them. Away from that hell they had created specifically for me.I walked as fast as I could through the town, pushing past people with my shoulders. I couldn't risk taking my time in case they decided to come back to town early. I breathed heavily, not sparing time to look at the passersby. I could feel them glaring at me as I shoved past them but I didn't care. I kept out of sight of any person who might be a soldier or working with Javert. The cafe came into view and I picked up my pace, feeling the weight being lifted with every step I took toward the building. I prayed they'd be there together and that I wouldn't be stranded alone, not knowing exactly where to go. I rushed to the door and threw it open, sighing as I heard the soft echo of their voices from the back room

I looked to the woman sitting in a chair. She was already looking at me.

"You must be the Hyacinth they've been discussing," she smiled. I nodded shortly examining her face.

"I do not think I've met you," I said, setting my bag down.

"I am Madame Houcheloup, dear. I own the Cafe Musain" She stood up and walked toward me, her hands firm on her hips. "The boys will be glad to have you back."

"Will they?" I asked, turning my face slightly to hide the place Mother struck me. It was too late, she saw and studied it. She placed a hand on my face and turned my head to get a better look.

"They will. And I reckon a few of them will try to kill whoever did this to you," she said.

A few? Marius I knew, but who else? Who else would want to harm the woman who left a mark on me?

"Glad to know they've missed me," I joked. She smiled at me and moved her hand to my shoulder.

"You go ahead up there, dear. Leave your things with me. You can get them before you leave and have a set arrangement. If there is no arrangement, I will care for you."

I nodded at her with a smile, handing her my bag. I sighed and looked toward the stairs, walking slowly toward them. I took the first step and instantly felt the need to be up there as soon as possible. I walked the stairs and took a breath before walking toward the back room.

Beyond The Barricade | les misérablesWhere stories live. Discover now