Chapter 7: I Don't Think They'd Understand

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Two Months Later-Friday-The Day Before the Fundraiser*

Macau was playing a game in his dorm when he heard a frantic knock at his door. Only two people ever went to his room, Chay and Som. Yet, there was only one person he hoped it'd be.

Hoping his instincts were right, he rushed over and opened it to find Chay panting. "Macau! I need help!"

Without questions, Macau pulled Chay inside and closed the door, turning to Chay to look over the boy for injuries. "What happened? Is someone chasing you?" He turned Chay 360° by the shoulders and inspected him.

"What? No, it's not that. I need help with the fundraiser!"

Macau sighed in relief, letting out a small laugh. "Fundraiser? What kind of help?" He wondered what kind of help he could be, as he never participated in such things.

"I was supposed to bake like 200 cookies for tomorrow!"

Macau's eyed widened. "200? Are you feeding an army?!"

"We're selling them in packs of two, but that's not the point!" It was obvious how stressed Chay was. Macau hadn't seen him so worked up since he was being chased.

"Can't you call someone? Just get them from a local bakery or something."

"I did but they need a notice a week ahead of time. I can't believe I forgot! I was so busy training with you and finally someone asked me about the cookies today." Chay began to pace, just as he did in the hospital.

Macau thought of how easily Chay could've gone home and gotten them baked at the main family's home. That just made him smile, how Chay's first thought was to go to him for help. "Okay. It's okay. We can bake, then."

"Where? I don't know anywhere on campus, and you can't come home with me..."

"You can come to our house. Leave your phone here so they don't track you."

That caught Chay's attention. "What?"


*Minor Family's House*

Macau unlocked and burst through the front door with bags of ingredients in each hand, same as Chay who walked in behind him. Macau led Chay straight to the kitchen after they kicked off their shoes, passing Pete in the living room who couldn't believe his eyes. "Macau? Porché?"

"Hey P'Pete! We're gonna use the kitchen for a few hours!"

"Sawadeekrap P'Pete!" Chay couldn't quite put his hands together to wai the man as they rushed off, but he tried.

The boys set the bags on the counter and took everything out right away. Pete walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. "What's going on?"

"We're going to bake cookies." Macau said it so matter-of-factly that Pete almost laughed.

Pete couldn't believe his eyes and now his ears. "Bake? Cookies? You?" Macau didn't know how to bake, let alone cook. The boy never stepped foot in the kitchen unless it was to get food or snacks. "Do you know how to bake?"

"I do," Chay chimed in.

"I didn't realize you two were friends..." Pete was bewildered. Macau never mentioned Chay besides when he saved him. If Pete remembered correctly, Macau said they were only schoolmates.

"Oh, can you keep that a secret from the main family? Porsche might be mad." Macau was really asking a lot. Pete was still in contact with Porsche and Tankhun. It would take everything in him not to ramble on about everything and not mention the boys.

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