Chapter 23: We Bleed the Same

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*Author's Notes: Uploading early because my bed is calling me and I can't resist 😩-9pm, I know-but enjoy 💜*

**TW: Blood/Violence/Murder**

*Minor Family House*

    Chay held his hands over his eyes as Macau guided him through the house and to the garage. "Are we there yet?"

    "Almost. Watch your step." Macau held Chay's hand and made sure he made it down okay. "Okay, wait one second. Stay right there."

    Chay knew they were in a different part of the house, as the floor wasn't as slippery. He could only hear rustling of fabric and was so curious to see what the big surprise was.

    "You can open your eyes now."

    Chay removed his hands from his face and his eyes widened at the shiny black car that Macau was leaning on. "A car?"

    "Yep. All mine. Now I can be your chauffeur, Khun Chay."

    Chay walked around the sports car in awe. "Where'd you get this? I didn't know you even knew how to drive." They had been walking everywhere this whole time, only limiting themselves to the neighborhoods around campus.

    "It was my 18th birthday present."

    "18th? But that was last year." Chay crossed his arms. "You mean you've been having us walk all this time when I could've been taking a break?"

    Macau smiled light heartedly as he watched Chay pout. "It was a gift from Gun. Besides, I thought we could use the exercise." Gun's gift. One that Macau had loved, but since it was from his father he refrained from using it. It only reminded him that Gun's love was non existent and the man was shallow. It was to buy Macau's trust for when he would finally let Macau in on their mafia world. The day that never came, and Macau let the car sit because he didn't want to remember.

    "So you're going to use it now?"

    "Mmm. Only with you. Get in." Macau opened the passenger door and waved a hand inside.

    Chay listened and sat down as Macau put the seatbelt across his chest, buckling it on the other side. "Where are we going?"

    "You'll see."

*Gun Range*

    The boys made it out to the range for practice that day. Chay didn't tell his Hia that Macau had been training him. Maybe one day he could surprise Porsche with his new fighting skills. For the time being, Chay knew that Porsche could only see his location, but not see where the name of the places the boys had gone.

    Macau moved the hair from Chay's eyes as he placed a set of ear muffs on him, then did the same for himself. He showed Chay where the safety was and how to load the amo next. "Here. Hold it like this." His soft touch guided the boy's arms out and his hands in the right form.

    "Now take a deep breath. When you exhale, shoot."

    Macau stepped back and watched as Chay took deep breaths. Chay never thought he'd be doing such things, but he wanted to.


    Chay flinched, as was normal when shooting a gun. His body trembled in response, but Macau was right there in an instant to place his hands on his back. "You did good!"

    Chay squinted his eyes to find that the bullet landed nowhere near the center. "What a liar... I wasn't even close..."

    "Hey, for your first time, at least you landed in a circle, " Macau reassured him and rubbed on Chay's arms. "You'll get better with time. You're a good student." He placed a small kiss on the boy's shoulder. "Now go again."

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