Chapter 21: Young Hearts

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**Author's Notes: Extra-Extra chapter because I wrote a lot this weekend 😃

I started this story with the VP chapter that daemi released not too long ago in mind, putting my version of MacauChay into it. There will be one spoiler later on and then my thoughts of where things are headed in the second book, but this chapter is kind of where I start to lead to it.

Enjoy 💜**

    A loud ringing woke the boys. Macau groaned to turn off his alarms only to realize it wasn't coming from his phone, but Chay's. He didn't want to wake the sleeping boy, but it was the second time Chay's phone was going off.

    "Babe." He softly rubbed Chay's shoulder, but Chay rolled over.

    "But it's Saturdayyyyy." He whined.

    "Someone is calling you."

    "What?" Chay reached out of the covers to grab his phone then pulled it under the blanket with him. "Hello?"

    Suddenly Chay popped up, startling the relaxed one next to him. Macau sat up and rubbed his eyes, nodding towards him and mouthing "who is it."


    *I'm here at the school, where are you?*

    "I'm in my room I'll be right out!" Chay hung up and jumped out of bed. He completely forgot that Porsche would be picking him up. He was going to spend the day with Porsche at the minor family's old mansion, where he worked. "Shia!" Chay almost fell to the floor trying to put some pants on in a panic.

    "You're going already?" Macau pouted from the bed, lazily stretching out.

    "Hia is waiting for me. I totally forgot!" Chay slipped his shirt on and made his way to the door when Macau hopped up and followed.

    "When will you be back?"

    "I dunno, tonight probably." Chay struggled to bend over and tie his shoes.

    "Don't rush." Macau squatted down and tied them for Chay, looking up and smiling at the anxious boy.

    "What if he goes to my room?" Chay bit the inside of his cheeks. To think of Porsche finding it empty made him nervous.

    Macau stood up, holding Chay in his arms tightly. "Don't worry so much." A small kiss was placed on Chay's lips. So lightly that it made Chay's worries vanish. "I'll text you. Now go."

    Chay turned to open the door only to be blindsided by what he feared the most.


    To say that his Hia was stunned would be an understatement. There was no hiding now, as Macau held the door open only wearing his underwear, and Chay with the blood drained from his face.

*Minor Family Mansion*

    Porsche sat at his desk, in the office that Gun used to occupy, crossing his arms and studying the looks on the young ones' faces. No remorse from Macau, of course. Chay, on the other hand, kept his head low and his hands gripping his knees.

    Porsche learned back in his chair, deeply sighing before coming up with anything to say. "Mind enlightening me?"

    "Hia, we-"

    "We're dating." Macau gleamed with joy. He wasn't expecting their relationship to be found out just yet, but he had no intentions of hiding it anymore. Not after this.

    "For how long?" Porsche's response surprised Chay. He didn't think his brother would be so calm.

    "Since last week." Macau kept answering, knowing Chay was too tense.

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