Chapter 9: Everybody's Disapproval

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Macau's eyes slowly opened to find Chay still wrapped up in his arm, sleeping soundly. He let himself linger for a bit, taking in the moment. The window behind Chay made a perfectly glowy background to the boy as the sun was rising.

Macau could look at Chay like that forever. He had never paid attention to the boy like this before, with those long eyelashes, silly sleepy mumbling and the smallest smile lifting the corners of his lips.

Vegas' words stuck with Macau more than he liked to admit. Maybe he did like Chay, more than just as friends. Was it so wrong? He was comfortable with Chay, and could tell the boy anything. Chay understood him like no one else did. So why couldn't Macau like him?

Chay began to move and Macau quickly swiped his arm away and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. The boy couldn't tell Macau was pretending, because Macau was good at faking it. He even fake-snored a little to sell it.

Chay woke up slowly, wondering where the pillow was that he remembered cuddling with. He sat up and nudged Macau, smiling at the snort that came from him. "Macau, wake up."

"Hmmmm?" Macau turned his head the other direction and sucked his lips into a smile. He didn't want to let Chay see him all giddy.

"Come on, we should get going to the fundraiser." Chay started changing his clothes.

Macau shot up, forgetting that he was pretending to be asleep. "You want me to go?"

"Of course! You helped me. And I told you to come hang out with me and my seniors, remember?"

"Right." Macau almost forgot. Meeting Chay's friends. To anyone else it would seem normal, but now Macau was smitten. He suddenly felt special to be invited by Chay anywhere. He hopped out of bed and threw on whatever clothes he first spotted in his closet. "Let's sell some cookies."

The boys rushed downstairs to find Pete putting the baggies into containers for the boys. "Here. I figured they would be easy to carry this way."

They each picked one up, about to leave but not before Vegas came through the kitchen door with a cookie sticking out of his mouth. "P'!"

Vegas' looked up and paused. "What?" His cheeks were full!

"P'Pete! Vegas is eating our cookies," Macau said, annoyed as he told on his brother.

"Vegas, " Pete scolded. "They worked hard on these, they're for a fundraiser."

"They're chocolate chip! They're my favorite." Vegas' rolled his eyes, because Pete always took Macau's side. "I'll buy these, calm down." He tossed a couple of baht on the table and Macau handed it to Chay to keep. "Go on now. Don't want to be late." Vegas smirked at Macau, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

Macau knew Vegas was teasing him, but he ignored it and turned Chay towards the door before he could see. "See you later!"

"Good luck na, sell a lot." Pete encouraged as the boys left.


The boys made it just before the events began, in time to help set up the baked goods and stage. Chay's senior friends we're there to greet them from the start.

"Chay! Over here!" Mali waved from their booth and Macau followed Chay over to them.

"Here are the cookies."

"Wow! Did you bake them all yourself? There's a ton!" Khao opened Chay's tub and started laying them on the table neatly in rows.

"I had help. This is my friend, Macau. Macau, this is Khao and Mali. " Chay motioned towards Macau beside him, who was putting on his best "good boy" face.

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