Chapter 11: How Do I Love Again?

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*2 Weeks Until Midterms*

    Macau headed back to his dorm in the evening. He stayed late working on a project and all he wanted to do was pass out in his bed. But, as he opened his door, the sight suddenly made him forget wanting to sleep. Chay was sitting on the bed, jotting down things on his notepad while glancing over at his textbook.

    The boy was a regular at Macau's dorm at the time. Chay was riddled with nightmares of his kidnapping and his fear of abandonment, and he just wanted someone to keep him company. He didn't feel like he could tell anyone about his issues, but he trusted Macau to simply be there for him even if he didn't speak up about anything.

    "Using my key card to your advantage, I see." Macau chuckled and closed the door behind him. He dropped his bag and hopped onto the bed as Chay scrambled to put his things up. "Wait, I want to see!"

    "You can't! It's for my midterm project." Chay set his things on the desk beside the bed while Macau made a pouty face.

    "Come onnnnn. Just a peek!" Macau reached over to grab the notepad but Chay swatted at his hands.

    "Not yet! I'll let you see if I make a good grade." Chay was writing a song. Not just any song, but one to express his feelings. It was full of depressing emotions he still had remaining from a broken heart, the remnants of his sadness brought up by Kim and Porsche. The last thing he wanted was for Macau to read it and feel pity for him.

    "You'll ace it for sure, I know you can." Macau pinched Chay's cheek, causing the boy to smash a pillow in Macau's face.

    "Still, not yet." Chay brought a pillow up to his nose, trying to hide his now crimson face.

    Macau laid back on his bed and Chay turned the lamp on his side off, taking his place next to Macau. This was their new normal, Chay going over and spending the night. He didn't want to be alone and Macau was more than happy to have him there.

    "What's that?" Macau's eyes tried to see what was on the ceiling above them.

    "What's what?"

    "That." Macau pointed to the ceiling, where he could faintly see green dots coming into focus. "Are those...stars?" Little green stars riddled his ceiling, and how they got there baffled him.

    "You like them?"

    Macau shot up on his elbows. He never expected for Chay to do something like that. "You did this?" It may have seemed like a small gesture, but to Macau it meant the world. For someone to hear what he had to say and actually listen, to remember some tiny amount of himself that he shared.

    "Mmm. All by myself. Now you can sleep under the stars every night." Chay grinned big at his friend who was in complete awe. Macau had transformed into a child again in a matter of seconds.

    Macau laid back down, smiling at the new night sky. "You're really something, you know that?" He raised his arms and rested one behind his head.

    "Tell me something I don't know."

    Macau flashed a look at Chay. "Oho! Where'd this confidence come from?"

    "I dunno," Chay shrugged. "Why? Does it not suit me?" Maybe so much time with Macau had finally rubbed off on him. Chay both admired Macau's assertiveness and had come across some self-posession.

    "Mmm. It suits you well."

    Chay noticed Macau's face and grew hot. The way Macau's smile was so soft and his tender eyes were just for him. And if Macau's voice were an arrow, it had pierced Chay's heart so quickly. Chay's composure was crumbling right under Macau's gaze.

Safe Place (MacauChay FF)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin