Chapter 15: Jump, and I'm Jumping

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**Author's Note** Uploading this today because I wrote extra this week & I'll be busy tomorrow morning. 💜 enjoy

*Mid-December-Day Before Trip*

The boys went to the nearest mall and shopped for everything they would need for their trip. This included snacks, clothes, sunscreen, etc. Tankhun gave Chay the idea to go on the trip looking his best, and Chay had to bring Macau along everywhere.

"How do these look?" Macau exited the fitting room with only a pair of dark blue swim trunks on.

Chay's eyes scanned every surface area of Macau's bare skin in a matter of seconds before he realized he was looking for too long. "Did you have to take your shirt off?" Chay looked around to make sure no one else was watching.

"I need to know what it'll look like in full effect." Macau's turned around and checked himself out in the mirrors behind him. "I like these."

Chay liked them a lot. More than he should as a friend. He bit his bottom lip, holding back whatever temptation was eating away at him. Chay liked the view more than he'd like to admit.

When it came to be Chay's turn, he put on the black swim shorts he picked out and slipped on a flowy, blue see-through shirt that matched. He stepped out and witnessed the light in Macau's eyes sparkle at him. "How's this? Too much? I don't think the others would know how to react."

Tankhun had recently given Chay the confidence to embrace style and fashion. Since Chay didn't wear anything besides his uniform at school, his classmates didn't see the slow transformation the boy had made. He was comfortable around Macau, and could wear makeup and his new clothes with no judgement.

Macau stood up and Chay's heartbeat grew irratic as he made his way to him. He slowly turned the boy 360°. His hand on Chay's shoulder felt so warm and sensual as his fingers opened and slid down to Chay's arm. "I think this looks great. Just loosen up and be yourself. You should be able to wear whatever you want." Chay definitely loosened up, right there under Macau's touch.


As they roamed in the grocery store for some random things, Chay realized that he had lost Macau. Macau, the one who was easily distracted by interesting items and loved touching everything in the stores to please his senses. Chay had lost his curious friend and he began to retrace his steps to find him.

As he was turning a corner at the candy isle he stopped and hid behind it. Macau was turned away, talking to someone.

Jealousy engulfed Chay.

This wasn't just anyone, but a very good looking guy. He had small eyes and a pretty smile, a slim figure, and just seeing him made Chay feel so average.

He wondered what they were talking about, but didn't want to be spotted. He wasn't close enough to hear their quiet voices, but the stranger was smiling the whole time, making Chay sick. Then a hand was rubbing on Macau's arm and Chay felt like his stomach fell to the floor. It was starting to become harder to breath.

"Come on. Please?" Finally some volume. Even the voice of this man was charming. How could Chay ever compare? Who was he? How did Macau know him? Did they used to date? Did they meet over semester break and Macau didn't tell Chay? These thoughts plagued the boy.

"I have to go."

Chay stepped back and turned around to dart farther into the candy isle, where he pretended that he was browsing. That was a close one.

"I thought you didn't like the sour ones?" Chay almost jumped on the spot. Macau had caught up to him so fast. He realized he was looking in the wrong section. His favorites were the chocolates.

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