Chapter 10: Broken Like Me

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    When Chay entered the gym, Macau was hitting a punching bag. He dropped his backpack and picked up some gloves to put on. "Do I get to hit you today?"

    Macau smiled at the boy who was hitting his gloves together. "I'll let you hit me. Just not my face."

    "I can?" Chay hopped around Macau as if he knew what he was doing.

   Macau held his hands on his hips, laughing at Chay who was dancing around. "I think you're a little to excited to beat me up."
    "And if I am?" Chay jabbed at Macau playfully.

    "Game on then!" Macau fought back lightly, making soft hits on the boy and dodging Chay's hands at the same time.

    "Okay, okay! I think you should train me more in this so I can have a chance."

    "Fine. I'll give you a chance." Macau pulled his shirt up and off, leaving Chay to watch blankly. "Practice on the bag first. We'll get your form down."

    Chay's eyes traveled with Macau as he walked over to the largest punching bag. Macau took his gloves off and took out the wraps for the boy, while Chay had finally begun to notice the little things on Macau's body. The body that Chay admired, but only as a friend-or so he thought. He noticed the tattoo Macau had on his arm, the little moles scattered on his back, and the way his veiny hands unwrapped the cloth.

    "Chay! Stop daydreaming and come here."

    "Huh?" Chay came back to reality. He had been zoning out a lot more.

    "You going to stand there and stare at me or get to work?" Macau had a mischievous smile as he teased the boy, but what he didn't know was that Chay was indeed staring.

    Chay jabbed him in the arm as he stood in front of him. "Shut up." Macau didn't really see him drooling, right? Because that would be extremely embarrassing. Chay couldn't get rid of this feeling he had come across suddenly.

    As Macau held Chay's hand, the younger thought that it felt nice. It always felt nice. Macau was always gentle with him. Chay liked the way Macau wrapped his hand so carefully and tediously. He watched as Macau's fingers lingered on his hands, as if wanting to keep in touch every second. Then he begun wrapping the other hand, and Chay stared all over again.

    Next, Macau slipped the gloves back onto the boy and stood at the other side of the bag. "Okay. Now, most importantly, keep your hands up and chin tucked. Don't go too hard on the bag. Just start slow and get a feel of it."

    Chay did as he was told and began to hit the bag, with his peripherals catching Macau peeping from behind it. He didn't want to imagine hitting Macau, but instead set his mind to trying to make Macau proud. He wanted to be a great prodigy, and show Macau that he was working hard to get where he wanted.

    Macau's focus was on Chay's form and his stance. He would smile and nod and it gave Chay a sense of pride in himself. Chay was determined and he was glad that Macau saw that in him, in everything he did to better himself.

    Macau saw the potential in Chay, and not because he liked him in a different light, but because he knew Chay could do great things. He saw in Chay what he saw in himself not too long ago. A need for change, a need for independence and to be acknowledged for it. He wanted to make Chay see that what he wanted was in reach, and Macau could help him get there.

    They spent almost all day in the gym, practicing and goofing off occasionally. They sparred and became playful as they always did, getting to have fun because they were still young and reckless.

    Macau reached his arms around the boy's waist and pulled him tight, spinning them both in circles until they scrambled to stay on their feet, eventually taking them both down with Macau on top, resting his glove behind Chay's head to block the fall.

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