Chapter 31: We'll Go Down In History

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**Author's Notes: Here it is, the final chapter! I know, it's short. Short and sweet. It was such a pleasure bringing my favorite ghost ship to life and I hope you enjoyed this story 💜 💜*

*End of March*

    Macau spent weeks at home after his second surgery. Chay went over after school each day, becoming the messenger for his school work. Pete and Vegas were happy to have him over anytime, and Chay became addicted to Pete's curry for dinner just as Macau was.

    The boys had a lot of school work to catch up on, but they did and they passed their exams at the end of the month.

    There was an eisel in the corner of Macau's room, facing the wall whenever Chay went over. Chay pouted about not being able to see the painting, but Macau told him to wait until exhibition day. So Chay waited patiently.

    When the day finally came, Chay rushed out of class and to the Exhibition Hall. There he found their families waiting with Macau outside. He hugged his Mae and Porsche first, then held Macau's hand as they all made their way inside.

    Painting wasn't Macau's strong suit, but he did his best nonetheless and it paid off. His work was towards the front of the hall, and they all stopped to let people move on to the next work as they oooh-ed and ahhh-ed.

    Chay couldn't believe his eyes. He had only seen silly paintings Macau had done and hung in his room, but they didn't compare to this one.

    They all immediately recognized the person in the painting. Chay, under the arch of Christmas lights that they met at in Pattaya. The night that Chay confessed his feelings. The night that Macau knew he could never leave Chay.

    The brush strokes and colors in the lights were made in such a way that made them seem realistically illuminated, just like that night. The light shone on Chay's skin highlighted his features and brought out his glossy eyes.

    Macau didn't paint Chay from that night. Not crying or sad, but happy and cheerful. What he painted wasn't a memory, but of the future, where they had promised to go back and Macau knew where he wanted to go back to. To remind them of where they started.

    Namphueng held on to Porsche's arm and leaned into him as he rested his head on hers. "It's beautiful." Porsche nodded in agreement. He knew his brother had chosen the perfect person just as he did.

    Pete and Vegas settled their hands on each of Macau's shoulders, letting him know how well he had done. But Macau didn't admire it as much as the perfect view in front of him. Of Chay, looking at the intricate details with wide eyes.

    That night the families ate together at the main family's house. Every single one of them sat at the large table with the fancy place mats out just like when they were younger because Kim made sure of it.

    Kinn was the last to be standing, and he held two small black boxes as he neared his seat. Even Porsche didn't know what to expect as Kinn set them down on the table. He opened both, revealing matching rings for both the main and minor families.

    He carefully took one out, and held it out to Porsche. The main family's emblem. "Porsche. This is yours."

    "What's this?" Porsche held out his hand, but instead of placing the ring in his palm, Kinn turned his hand over gently and slid the ring onto his finger. "Kinn..."

    "We're a team. Just how it was meant to be."

    "Ohoooo, such a romantic." Tankhun clapped, leading the rest of them to do the same.

    Kinn slid the other box to Pete and Vegas who were seated to the side of them. "There will be no more main and minor families. Only two families, two branches of the same tree. TK and TS." He showed off his own ring, pointing to the engraving inside, revealing 'TK.'

    As Vegas pulled out the TS rings, he realized they had engraving, too. 'TS.' He lifted Pete's hand and eased it onto his finger.

    Chay and Macau sat on the opposite side of them and smiled at their Phi's who had finally done what their eldest relatives couldn't. They made history.

    "Here's to new beginnings!" Kinn raised his glass, leaving everyone else to follow and cheer.


*5 Years Later*

    The black BMW rolled to a stop and Macau held Chay's hand as they slid out of the car. "I can't believe we're back. Do you think they'll recognize us?"

    Macau looked over his fiancé with endearing eyes. "We were only gone for half a year. I'm sure vacation didn't change us too much."

    As soon as they entered hey were bombarded with a large hug from Tankhun, who had an arm around each of their shoulders, squeezing them together. "You're back!" He quickly let go to look over them. "Oiii Macau, what have you been feeding him? He looks so lean."

    "We work out often," Macau took a page from his brother's book, deserving a look from Chay. He wasn't wrong though, as they often went to work out in the gym, not ending their playful competition.

    "Come on, everyone is waiting to see you!"

    They followed the man to the meeting room. The one where they had witnessed their families finally coming to a peaceful agreement.

    Arm and Pol held out the doors and the boys stepped inside first. Nothing but smiles and eyes to match greeted them. "Macau! Chay! How was Seoul? I hear it's beautiful this time of year."

    "It was! We ate everywhere we could and Jeju Island was a dream, " Chay beamed with pride towards his brother in law.

    "Take a seat." Vegas motioned to two seats across from him and Pete. The same spots where they sat in so long ago.
    Porsche slid a blue box in front of them. "This is for the both of you. An engagement present."

    Macau nodded towards Chay and he opened it without question.

    Two rings, different from their Phi's, with a new emblem. Chay lifted them up and Macau took his own as they looked under the top.

    'MP.' Macau and Porchay.

    Macau tilted Chay's middle finger on his left hand, taking Chay's ring from him and holding it in front of him. "Partners?"

    "Mmm. Partners." As Macau pushed the ring on, it fit perfectly next to the engagement ring. He kissed the top of them.

    From that moment on, they knew that in this life and the next, they would find each other. The perfect partners. The next heirs to the mafia family that they used to despise. One day, they would be at the head of the table, but for now they sat in their seats and sat proudly next to each other, holding hands as Kinn motioned towards the door to let their company in.

    Three families sat at the end of the table on all three sides, ready to take on whatever was thrown at them.

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