Part 96~ Broken hearts

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Hello my loves, this is gonna be the last super angsty chapter, maybe.  I apologize for the odd time jumps/backs btw! (⚠️)
I love you all soo much, and I hope you enjoy🥰❤️

"Tobio" Miwa said, making him look um.

"He'll be okay, he's strong" she said and kissed his head.

Tobio just leaned his head on her shoulder. She took out some headphones from her purse and put one in her ear and the other in his, then turned on some music for them to listen to.
-End recap
(About a half hour later)

Tobio looked up and saw Takeo frantically talking to a woman at the front desk.

He stood up and called him over, they both hugged and sat back down. "I'm sorry, i had to call my girlfriend to watch Natsu." He said and sank into the seat.

"Any word on either of them yet" he asked,bringing his hands up to his face trying to wake himself up a little.

"Not yet" Tobio shook his head and sighed.

"Why don't I go get you two some coffee" Miwa said as she stood up, checking the time and seeing as it was already six o'clock in the morning, figured they could all use a cup.

The two just looked up and nodded, thanking her as she turned to walk away.

"Excuse me, are either of you here for Saya Miura?" A nurse came up to the three of them, they all stood.

"What are your relations to her?" The nurse wrote some things on her clipboard and looked up at them.

"Ex husband, son in law and his sister" Takeo answered, pointing at each of them when he spoke.

The nurse nodded and continued writing, "alright, would you mind following me" she said and brought them into a smaller, office looking room where a younger looking doctor was sitting down in.

The doctor stood and thanked the nurse, then motioned for the three of them to sit in the chairs that were in front of the desk.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Hayashi. I treated Saya" he said and placed his hands on the desk, pulling his seat forward.

"Um- treated?" Takeo cleared his throat and put a hand on his chest, praying that this wasn't going where he thought it was.

"When Saya came in the ER today, she was alert, and awake. Her body was pumping adrenaline, and that kept her up." He said and looked up at them.

"As her body relaxed, and the adrenaline passed, her body was able to succumb to her inguries, which were fatal"

All three looked up at him, "What does that mean" Takeo's hands shook and he choked up.

"I'm so sorry, but she passed away" Hayashi said and stood up. "I am very sorry for your loss" he bowed and picked up some papers.

"She- she's dead. The mother of my children- she's gone" Takeo sobbed and placed his elbows on his knees, burying his head into his hands.

"Yes, I am so sorry" The doctor apologized, then stepped out of the room to leave them alone.

Tobio and Miwa looked over at Takeo, and they both stood up getting in either side of him and bringing him in for an embrace.

He just sobbed and leaned onto them, he took deep breaths and tried to gather himself a bit.

Takeo ended up going with the doctor, since he was her ex husband, and in the state that Shoyo was in, he was the person who needed to take care of her paperwork and such.

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora