Part 143~ Misery

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Hi y'all!
Here is some angst for you guysss mouahahaha🤪
Love has and hope you enjoy!❤️

  Shoyo sat up in bed, covering his mouth with one hand as he gagged.

He got up and went into the bathroom, taking a deep breath to try and calm his stomach. But that didn't work.

He hunched over the toilet and threw up, feeling light headed. Between the lack of sleep, and throwing up whatever he could eat, he has been just getting weaker every day.

This is the worst that his morning sickness has ever been, he's always had it bad, but this time it was ten times worse.

He sat back a little and put a hand on his head, he heard a little shuffling coming from outside the door, but didn't even bother moving his head to see who it was.

"Sho-" Tobio came through the door, sighing when he saw Shoyo was sick again.

He grabbed a small hand towel, putting it over his shoulder, then knelt down next to him. "Are you okay?" He asked, even though he was still half asleep.

Shoyo just nodded, "yea, I'm sorry" he said, putting his head down and wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"Here" Tobio gently cleaned up Shoyo's face, then helped him up.

"Woah- okay come here" Tobio said, lifting him up as Shoyo lost his balance a little, almost hitting the ground.

Tobio carried him to bed, and placed a blanket over him. He waited a few minutes, just watching him in case he got sick again.

He ended up just falling asleep right next to him, his arms wrapped around him in attempt to keep him comfortable.

A couple hours later, and he had to get ready for work.

He made sure to be extra quiet, and just grabbed his things to get ready in the downstairs bathroom.

He decided to go in a little bit early so he could just work out before practice. Working out was a way for him to distract his mind, and relive some anxiety.

When he was di six he's getting ready, he just wrote a note for Shoyo, not wanting to risk waking him up, then left the house.

He got to the gym and parked the car, going inside after getting his things.

He put away his things into his gym locker, then went in.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

He turned, looking at Bokuto, Atsumu, and Sakusa all walking up to him.

"Oh, hey" Tobio waved, putting in one of his headphones, and setting his phone on one of the benches.

"What are you guys doing here so early?" He asked, just turning around for a moment to face them.

Bokuto sighed and leaned back against the lockers, "Keiji has barely gotten any sleep lately, kicked me out of bed because I was snoring too loud" he said.

Atsumu snorted and pat him on the back, "As he should. You snore louder than a horse" he said and laughed.

Akaashi was eight months pregnant, and like Bokuto, their pup seems to never relax. So it's safe to say he's gotten little sleep lately.

Sakusa rolled his eyes and put a hand over his eyes, "Yea, like your one to talk" he said and set both their things down. "This one here couldn't sleep, so he dragged me all the way here so he wouldn't have to sit at home while I actually slept" he flicked Atsumu on the cheek then walked over to a treadmill.

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now