Part 101- Starting again

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There's a small time skip in here, just letting y'all know!🥰
This one is for sure not great, but I still hope you enjoy!
(A year later)

It's been almost two years since the accident.

Shoyo is doing better, he still has some hard days, but overall he's okay.

He still struggles with getting in the car, or even just getting out of the house, and has yet to drive. Until today.

Shoyo walked over to where Tobio was on the couch, and stood in front of him.

"You okay?" Tobio asked, looking up.

"I want try to drive" he said, then sat down next to Tobio who stared at him before hesitantly nodding.

"Are you sure?" Tobio said, then reached out and brushed his hair back.

Shoyo nodded, resting his head on his shoulder and leaning into his touch.

"Okay, if your ready. Whenever you wanna go, we can go" Tobio smiled and kissed his head.

The couple ended up getting ready about an hour later.

Aiko had taken the kids earlier that morning, out for breakfast and to go shopping. So they were able to just go.

They got outside, and into the car. Shoyo in the drivers seat and Tobio in the passengers.

They sat there for about five minutes before Tobio spoke up. "Why don't we just drive around the neighborhood for a little bit?"

Shoyo looked over at him and sighed, "why is this so hard" he said, putting his head onto the steering wheel and groaned.

"It's okay baby. It's a huge step for you just wanting to try and drive, and I'm so proud of you. Let's just take this slow" Tobio put a hand on his back and kissed his head.

Shoyo lifted his head and nodded.

He put the park in reverse, then slowly pulled out of the driveway.

They drove for about ten minutes before Shoyo pulled over on the side of the road, "can you take over, please. I can't do this anymore" he said, tearing up.

Tobio nodded and the two got unbuckled. Before Shoyo got back in the car, Tobio wrapped him in a hug and gave him a kiss. "You did so good baby, I'm so proud of you"

Shoyo smiled and wiped away his tears, the two then got into the car and headed home.

When they got back, they both went inside and took their shoes off.

They went into the kitchen, and grabbed some water, then Tobio started to look for something to make them for lunch.

"Do you want some ramen?" He asked, looking up from the cupboards.

Shoyo shook his head, "honestly I'm not really that hungry" Shoyo said, shrugging as Tobio stood up and walked over to him.

"Are you feeling okay?" Tobio asked, putting a hand to his forehead trying to see if he had a temperature.

"I'm fine, I'm just not hungry. Not for that anyways" Shoyo said, a small smirk came onto his face. Tobio just stared down at him with an arched brow, a little confused.

"What do you mean- wait" Tobio blushed a bit and smirked. "Alright then" he said, lifting Shoyo up and bringing him in for a kiss.

"This is more like it" Shoyo separated the kiss and started leaving a trail of hickeys down Tobio's neck.

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now