Part 114~ Comfort

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Lol, I'm not feeling good at all right now. And I had a king day at school, so I apologize if this chapter sucks💀❤️

Shoyo smiled, looking down at Tobio who was sound asleep. His head resting on his lap.

He gently pet his hair back, quietly humming a little song.

The twins were at school, and Kazuyo was with Miwa for the day. So it was just him and Tobio right now, until they had to pick up the kids, then had a doctors appointment afterwards.

Shoyo glanced down at his phone, then back at Tobio who shifted and opened his eyes.

"Morning, sleepy head" Shoyo chuckled and put a hand on Tobio's back as he sat up.

Tobio stared down at him, then leaned down and laid his head on his shoulder. Making Shoyo smile.

Tobio pulled back and put his hand on Shoyo's cheek, staring into his eyes and smiled. "Your so beautiful" he said and kissed him.

Shoyo blushed and smiled, "and your so handsome" he brought him in for a gentle kiss and gave him a hug.

After about an hour of just relaxing some more, the couple then cleaned up the house a bit.

Once they finished with that, they had just enough time to sit down and watch a movie.

Shoyo sat in between Tobio's legs, both of their hands resting on his belly, feeling the pups movements.

Tobio chuckled, and kissed Shoyo's cheek. "They're so active, huh" he smiled and looked down at him.

Shoyo nodded and chuckled, "yea, it's nice until I'm trying to sleep" he laughed and gently rubbed his thumb up and down, then looked over at Tobio.

"What do you think, boy or girl?" He asked, a bit curious as to what he thought.

Tobio thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not really that's sure. But maybe a girl" he smiled and kissed Sho's cheek. "What about you?"

Shoyo nodded and smiled, "I think they're a boy" he said and looked down.

"Well, whatever they are, they're gonna be so loved. With the best brother and sisters in the world, and the most beautiful mama" Tobio wrapped his arms around Shoyo and brought him closer.

"God I love you so much Tobio" Shoyo said and sat up, turning to face him.

"I love you too Shoyo" Tobio smiled and pressed their foreheads together.

A couple hours later, and the couple went to pick up the twins from school.

After they did that, they dropped them off with Miwa and then headed to Shoyo's doctors appointment.

They got checked in and brought back into a room by one of the nurses there.

After only a couple of minutes, Dr Miyu came into the room.

"Hello!" They greeted the couple with a warm smile and set some of their things down.

"How is it going today?" They asked, picking up his chart and sitting down in a stool next to the exam table.

"Pretty good, nice and calm" Shoyo stared and smiled, looking up at Tobio who just pet his hair back, looking down at him with a small smile.

"That's great. Now, we're just gonna do a quick exam. Then we will go over a few things" they said and stood up, putting on a pair of gloves.

Shoyo nodded, and laid back with the help of Tobio. Dr Miyu then began the exam, starting out with some blood work, then moved onto an ultrasound.

Shoyo held onto Tobio's hand and took a deep breath. Lately, he's just had a lot of anxiety surrounding doctors appointments and such.

So it helped to just be near Tobio and try to stay as calm as he could. Of course, Tobio didn't mind this at all. He actually loved how clingy Shoyo seemed to have been for a little while now.

"Alright" Dr Miyu started out, cleaning the ultrasound stick and hanging Shoyo a few paper towels.

"The pup is measuring a bit smaller than we would like, but other than that, it seems like they are perfectly healthy" they said and smiled, standing up and grabbing a pen and clipboard.

"Are they going to be okay?" Shoyo asked as Tobio helped him up and wiped some of the gel off.

"Yes, they are perfectly fine as of now. It's just something we will keep an eye on" they reassured him and started writing some things down, then looked up at them both again.

"Now, your around the six month mark. So I think it's best if we discuss your birth plan, I know it may seem a bit early, but I would like to help you prepare" They said and set their board down on their lap.

Shoyo nodded and looked over at Tobio, "well, it was nice having the support from the doctor and everything when I had the twins. But when I had Kazuyo, it was a lot nicer since I was just at home" he said and sighed.

"I'd like to try for another home birth, it's just what I'm most comfortable with" he said and shrugged, holding onto Tobio's hand.

"Alright, that's perfectly fine. Now, if you would like, I could recommend some amazing midwife's or doctors to you. Or, I could be there. I'll leave that up to you, I've known you guys for a while so I wanted to see if me being there would be more comfortable for you" Miyu said and smiled.

Shoyo nodded, "that would be great" he said, smiling. He honestly felt some relief hearing that Dr Miyu could be there, with all they have gone through, Miyu has been there from pretty much all of it.

"Great, now just remember. This isn't anything final, so if you do change your mind at any point, just let me know" Miyu said and stood.

"That's all I had to discuss with you two, if you have any questions then call me. Other than that, I hope you guys have a great day" Miyu bowed, then left the couple to collect their things.

When they got home, they snuggled with the kids, and relaxed for a while.

It was Friday, so luckily they had the whole weekend to relax and do something fun all together.

The couple got the kids all tucked in bed, then got in their own and cuddled close.

"I love you Shoyo" Tobio said, gently brushing back his messy orange hair.

Shoyo turned a little and smiled, "I love you too, Tobio" he reached up and gave him a small kiss.

Both fell asleep in one another's arms, warm and comfortable.

LOL, I feel like shit rn🥲

Anywayssss, I love you all so much, and hope ya have an amazinggg night/day!🥰

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now