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"Good afternoon, Mom," I greet my mother as I climb into the front seat of the car.

"Good afternoon, sweet pea," she greets me in return. "How did your audition go?"

I roll my eyes. "I almost didn't make it."

"Why not?" She pulls out of the parking space and glances at me with a concerned facial expression.

"Those guys cornered me and stole my crutches again. No big deal."

My mom clenches her fist. "You have got to learn to stand up for yourself, Oliver. I'm going to have your dad teach you some self defense moves."

"No way," I protest. "I don't want to fight. They got suspended anyway."

My mom lets out an exasperated sigh. "One of these days you need to learn. Anyway, you did make it to the audition right?"

"Yeah." I try to hide a grin. I'm going to build the suspense as long as possible before I tell her that I got the freaking lead role.

"Which song did you sing?" she asks, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Well, I was the last one to audition, and Ms. Dawson didn't have anything else to do, so she asked me to sing both of them. She seemed real impressed."

Mom smiles and looks over at me again. "That's good. So how long until you find out if you get in?"

"Oh, she already told me she was definitely putting me in," I reply. "Then she proceeded to tell me what role I would have before I left."

Mom pulls the car up at a stoplight, then motions with her hand to get me to continue. "Well, go on," she presses me.

I finally can't hide my maniac grin anymore. "You'll never guess what role I got, Mom."

"Spit it out, Oliver James Carowski."

"Come on, I want you to guess," I tease her.

She rolls her eyes again. "Just tell me."

"Go on, guess." I like to play this game sometimes.


"I got the lead role!" I finally screech in triumph, puffing out my chest like a proud stag.

I grip the car door for dear life as Mom immediately pulls the car over while screaming in delight. "Shut up. You're joking, right?"

I shake my head. "Nope. Not joking. Legit got the lead role. I'm Enso now. She told me that she didn't want anyone else playing him."

My mom hugs me so tightly it feels like she's going to suffocate me.

"Mom-" I gasp.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," Mom cries as she continues squeezing the air out of my lungs. "I'm so happy for you. Wait until your father hears."

"Right," I squeak out. "Can I please breathe now, Mother?"

She lets go and pulls the car back onto the road. "I'm sorry, honey. I just got so excited. I had originally made meatloaf for dinner tonight, but that can wait. I guess this is God's way of reminding me that your father hates my meatloaf. We're going to Albert's tonight."

My mouth immediately starts watering. Albert's American Buffet and Grille was, is, and will forever be my favorite restaurant. The owner, Albert Keefe, used to give me a high five whenever I came in, along with a balloon on a stick on the way out. I used to love balancing the balloon on my hand. It made me feel like a magician. "I love Albert's!"

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now