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It's up! It's finally up! The cast list for our school's production of Chain Breaker is finally up! I can hardly wait for the final bell to ring so I can go check it. I wish I didn't have to sit in calculus for almost an hour and a half. I wish I understood what the heck was going on. Most of all, I hope I'll get a good part.

Chain Breaker has been around for the past three years. Through eleven epic songs and phenomenal acting, the show tells the story of a seventeen-year-old boy named Enso who uses crutches due to a bad leg. He was abandoned by his parents after he became crippled and so lives as a servant to the villagers, who treat him like trash. He is accused of stealing the ancient document he was named after, forcing him to flee for his life. He is taken in by a reclusive woman named Layeba and her adopted daughter Sholta, who teach him how to stand up for himself and give him the first real family he's ever known. It's a show that empowers and warms the hearts of everyone who watches it. Even though we're the first school to get the rights to it, it's still running proud and strong on Broadway.

This show is one of my favorites, and I'm so excited our school has chosen it for this year's spring musical. I've already listened to the entire soundtrack and watched a professional recording of the show at least three times. You see, I'm what they call a theater nerd. I've seen a variety of Broadway shows, from the least popular to the current big thing. I don't have a favorite, however. It all depends on what mood I'm in. Today, I'm in Chain Breaker mode.

After what seems like an eternity, the bell rings, and I race to my locker. It seems to take forever to gather my stuff and speed down the stairs, nearly tripping over two people as I go. I make my way to the stage craft room door, which is where the list is posted. When I get there, I see a few people clustered around it.

"I didn't make it," one girl says sadly. "But the class cripple got the lead role. Now that's just cheating."

"Hey, rude, much," I butt in. "I don't know who you're referring to, but I don't think you did your research on Chain Breaker. The main character is crippled."

"She's right, you know," another voice pipes up. A tall boy with fluffy brown hair and piercing blue eyes leaning on arm crutches steps away from the group.

I catch my breath. It takes a minute for my mind to register that he's barely putting weight on his right leg. All I can see is the handsome face and eyes so blue they look like chunks of sky. This better not be who they were trash talking just now.

"You better hadn't be talking trash about this guy," I warn the girl.

The boy smiles sadly. "Don't worry about it," he says nonchalantly. "I'm used to it. She's talking about me. Let it go."

I shake my head. "Whether I got into this show or not, I'm not letting anyone pick on the star of the show," I reply. "Now can I check the list for my name, or do I have to stand here and listen to you guys bully the lead actor, who, by the way, couldn't be more perfect for the lead role?"

The group divides down the middle, allowing me to get close enough to read the list. It doesn't take me more than ten seconds to locate my name, Hannah, under the role of Sholta, the main character's adopted sister. Right above my name under the main character Enso's name is the name Oliver Carowski.

The rude juniors who hadn't been selected for the show had disappeared, but the boy on crutches was still standing there. This must be Oliver.

"Did you get in?" Oliver asks, leaning against the wall.

I nod. "I'm Sholta. But you can call me Hannah."

He flashes me a beautiful smile. "I'm Oliver," he introduces himself. "Nice to meet you. You're the theater girl, aren't you?"

I've literally just met Oliver, so I don't know how he knows that. "How did you know?"

He points to my shirt, which is of a historical drama show that left Broadway a few years ago. "I wish that show was still on Broadway," he remarks. "I've been to see that. It's a nice show. My favorite song is the first one."

"Mine too," I tell him. "Have you seen any other shows?"

He runs a hand through his hair and gives me a thumbs up. "I've seen quite a few."

I feel myself blush. He reminds me of a character from the musical on my shirt. For Pete's sake, I can't even be around someone who looks a little bit like the iconic character, whom I've had a bit of a crush on for awhile, without blushing. Time to reassess myself.

Oliver can't hide his laughter. "You're a fangirl, eh?"

I put up a hand to cover my face, which is burning from embarrassment. "A huge fangirl. Don't judge me, please. I can't help it."

"I'm not going to judge you," Oliver replies with a sweet smile. "Glad to meet a fellow fan. Well, I don't want you to be late for your bus."

I shake my head. "My mom's picking me up today," I tell him.

"Well, then, I don't want to keep her waiting. Rehearsals start tomorrow after school. I guess I'll see you then?"

I smile. "Sure. See you tomorrow, Enso."

He laughs at my reference. "See you tomorrow, Sholta."

I turn and begin walking away, but no matter what I do, I can't get his face out of my mind.  

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