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I think we were all hoping that this day wasn't going to come. But today is Monday, the last day this cast will be together. It's also the last day Derek is going to be here. We really only set this day up so he could come say his goodbyes.

I grip my phone, pulling it out of my pocket. I open it to my contacts, just staring at Derek's name and number for a few minutes. I glance over at Hannah, who is sitting next to me, scrolling through photos from the cast party. She has his number, too. For us, this isn't goodbye. But it might as well be, because it's taking everything I have not to cry.

So much has happened in the last four days. On the day before our cast party, a representative from the college in New York that Hannah applied to to be a theatre major came to our show. He came up to speak to me afterward, and told me that I absolutely needed to apply to the college as he would personally put in a letter of recommendation. Derek overheard and immediately sent a lengthy email to the college on my behalf. The next day, the day of the party, I completed my application before the show. I'm now waiting to find out whether this latest venture was a success or a total failure.

But that doesn't matter now. Derek is going around and hugging and taking pictures with the cast, most of whom are crying or close to crying. Everyone has brought in their Chain Breaker merchandise, and he's signing all of it patiently, even though it's taking a long time to get through everyone, because everyone has a lot of stuff to be signed.

After he works his way through the ensemble and the minor cast members, he finally goes up to David, who brought Luke along for emotional support.

"How you doing?" he asks him, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I'm going to miss you so much," David replies, his voice breaking. "I can't believe this is goodbye."

"It doesn't have to be," Derek answers. "I know you said you feel like you're too shy to message me on social media, but I don't want you to be like that. If you need anything, whether it be homework help or just someone to talk to, don't be afraid to message me. I will be here for you."

David doesn't say anything, just throws his arms around Derek and does his best to fight back tears. All the while Derek is hugging him tightly, telling him that it's going to be okay.

"You did so good in this show," he whispers. "I'm so proud of you."

Finally, when David lets go, and Derek has signed all of David's stuff, he goes up to Sadie. "How's it going, Layeba?"

Sadie looks up at him with a smile. "It would be better if you weren't leaving."

"I'm only a social media message away," Derek replies. "Never too far. Remember, I follow all of you people now."

Sadie gets up from her seat and embraces Derek. "You've been wonderful to us," she says. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," Derek replies. "It was lovely meeting all of you. You said you wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, right?"

Sadie nods.

"Well, those kids will be more than lucky to have you as a teacher. And if you ever have children, they'll be more than lucky to have you for a mom. Any kid would be lucky to have you in their life. Your motherly instinct onstage wasn't just acting at all. It was real, and I could see it."

Sadie smiles and holds out an armful of merchandise. "Thank you, Derek."

At last, Derek finishes up with Sadie and heads over to Hannah and I. We're hugging each other, trying not to let on how sad we are to be saying goodbye, even if it's only temporary.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my two best friends," Derek remarks. "Say, you guys look a bit down. Are you okay?"

Hannah looks up, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't want to say goodbye any more than he does," she says, pointing to me.

I can feel myself losing the battle not to cry. I finally have no choice but to let a few tears slip through as I look at Derek. "You're like the brother I never had, Derek," I choke out. "I don't want to see you go."

Derek sits down next to me. "Well, brother, you and Hannah both have my number. And I want you two to call me at least every other day if you can. Please keep me up to date on what's going on in your lives. And as soon as you find out about college, I want you to call me, and we'll set something up. I promise that I'll come see you or bring you up to come see me. Good news or bad news, I don't care. I want to see you guys again. Got it?"

We nod.

"I'm going to miss seeing you every day," Hannah says. "Oliver's not the only one who sees you as a brother. I'm going to miss you taking us on dates."

"Well, tell you what," Derek replies. "Get into college, and I'll give you two a date weekend you'll never forget. Deal?"

"Deal," Hannah responds as she shakes his hand.

"What are you just shaking my hand for?" Derek asks, looking down at her hand. "Get over here, both of you."

I grab one crutch and pull myself to my feet, and am immediately swept into the group hug. The next thing I know, Courtney is joining us. And that's when it hits me. Courtney lives in New York, too. Derek isn't the only one leaving.

Hannah must realize this at the same time, because she wraps her arms around Courtney. "Please don't leave me again," she cries. "Not again."

"Oh, girlfriend, now that I know where you are and we have each other's numbers, I promise I'll come see you as much as possible. How about every other weekend?"

Hannah nods through her tears. "Sounds good. I'm still going to miss you, though."

"I'll miss you too, my little superstar."

At last, after Derek has signed all of our stuff, and Courtney has done the same thing for Hannah and I, it's really time to say goodbye.

Courtney leaves first. As if we weren't already a crying mess from her leaving, Derek turns to leave, too. Everyone is calling out goodbye after him when he suddenly stops and looks over his shoulder. He stares directly at Hannah and I for a moment, then spins around.

"Oliver! Hannah!" he cries out.

He sprints back to us, and the next thing I know, Hannah and I are both being tightly embraced in the muscular arms of Derek Anderson. He hugs us for a few minutes, and that's when I notice that he's crying, too. He finally lets go reluctantly, and walks backwards until he rounds the corner, out of sight.  

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