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Despite the fact he already has his crutches, Oliver is leaning on me for support, his face red with excitement. "Please tell me this isn't a dream, Hannah," he gasps.

I'm also beside myself with shock and disbelief. I can't believe who just walked through that door. I pinch my own arm to see if I'm dreaming. I'm not. Our mutual hero just entered the auditorium of Littlefield High School. And this time, even though it has been so many times in the past for me, this isn't a dream. This is real.

Beside us, David is standing open-mouthed and speechless, while the other actors including Sadie around us are either screaming or crying or both. One girl is actually sitting on the floor about to faint.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my good friend Derek Anderson, also known as Enso!" Courtney announces.

But this unexpected visitor needs no introduction. We all know who he is, and ninety percent of the girls here are his fangirls. To anyone who doesn't know us or Derek, we probably look like a bunch of crazy people right now.

"Is it- is it really you?" Oliver stammers, hardly able to contain himself. I know if he could, he'd be jumping for joy right now.

Derek climbs onto the stage and approaches Oliver. "Yeah, it's me," he replies. "I've been waiting for news of a school doing Chain Breaker so I could come and help out. My awesome understudy's holding down the fort back in the city for a few months while I'm down here helping you guys make the show a success. And you must be the famous Oliver Carowski. Pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand for a handshake, and Oliver returns it.

"Dude. You're my hero," Oliver says. "Never in a million years did I ever dream I'd get to meet you. And for the record, I am definitely not famous. I'm just a crippled high school kid."

Oh for Pete's sake. Why does he have to put himself down in front of the one person he wants so badly to win the approval of? I know for a fact Derek is going to talk him out of this awful mentality.

Derek shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "I'm flattered, but you're my hero, kid," he replies. "And judging by the way your friend is looking at you right now, they've told you before not to talk like that. I want you to know that you are officially the coolest person I've ever met. I'm so proud to see a school has actually cast a real life crutch user as my character. I was afraid I wouldn't live to see the day that happened. Yet here I am. The first off-Broadway Enso is an actual crutch user. This is the happiest day of my life, bro."

Oliver motions me to come over. I do, and he puts a hand on my arm. The shock of meeting Derek for the first time seems to have begun to wear off, and he's pulling himself back together. "This is my friend Hannah," he says. "She's also a huge fan."

I'm officially flattered that Oliver would take it upon himself to introduce me to our idol.

I shake hands with Derek. "I can't believe this is happening," I tell him. "You are amazing."

Derek smiles sheepishly. "Hey, from what I've heard, you two are quite the duo. You're both amazing singers and dancers. You're very talented, and I'm so excited to be working with you guys."

There's something that's confusing me about this whole situation, however. The butterflies in my stomach I have gotten in the past when I look at Derek aren't there. When I've watched him onscreen in the past, they've been fluttering like there's no tomorrow. But right now, now that I'm standing right in front of him, they seem to be as dead as a doornail. Why is my face not burning with blush? Where is the shyness and flirtatious attitude I always swore I'd put on if I ever met him? But the biggest question is, why is my bare arm skin tingling where Oliver's hand rests?

"You okay, Hannah?" Oliver whispers to me.

"I just felt something, that's all," I reply quietly so Derek won't hear.

"Everyone in this room is feeling something," Oliver answers with an understanding smile. "There's a lot of love in this room this evening. I'm feeling something, too."

"Yeah? What are you feeling?" Once again, my heart melts as I gaze into his blue eyes.

"Confidence. Confidence on a level I've never felt before. And joy. Nothing but pure joy. I've never been this happy in my life."

"Me too, Oliver. Me too."

For some reason, my arm seems to take on a mind of its own. I don't even realize it, but it's slipping behind Oliver and around his shoulders. Without even saying anything, he reaches up and takes my hand.

Derek smiles at us. "Are you two.."

I shake my head.

He nods. "Got it. You'd make a good couple, though."

"I've never felt this confident before," Oliver tells Derek. "Right now I feel like I could fly."

"He seems to have that effect on people," Courtney remarks.

Derek pats Oliver's back. "Buddy, that confidence was inside you all along. It just needed a little boost to come out. From what I can tell, you've got a whole squad here in this room who have been trying to get it out of you. And I can definitely tell you've got a nice friend right here next to you who's never going to stop encouraging you. She's always going to be there for you, bro."

Oliver cracks a small smile. "I'm always going to be there for her, too."

"He found Courtney for me," I add.

"I heard," Derek replies. "Don't let that friend get away, Hannah."

This musical is turning out to be the best time of my life. I've met and befriended Oliver, he reunited me with my best friend, I've met Sadie and David, and now we get to work with our favorite actor. Life couldn't be better.  

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now