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My mind is going crazy. Hannah's parents are beside themselves with excitement. We're all losing our minds.

"I can't believe he kissed you!" Courtney exclaims.

Hannah's dad walks up and puts a hand on my shoulder. "My princess has found one heck of a prince. No wonder she never shuts up about him."

Hannah rushes over to hug me. "You were so good!"

I hug her back. "I'd take her to any Broadway show she wanted to go to if I could," I say to her dad. "She deserves it."

"You have my full permission to marry her when the time comes," her dad answers with a grin. "You know exactly how to make her happy."

"I can't believe this just happened," Hannah gasps. "I just had my first kiss, and it felt amazing."

I smile at her. "I just had my first kiss, too, and Hannah, I wouldn't want it any other way. You were so incredible tonight. I wish I could do it again right now."

"You will get to do it again," Hannah replies. "Tomorrow. And at the cast party on Saturday we get to watch our recording together at your house."

I had forgotten that the cast party would be at my house, but remembering it now fills me with joy. I can't wait to show my friends my awesome basement. I also can't wait to show Derek the inside of my house. He's seen the outside before, but he's never been inside. I hope he likes dogs, because I know Alita is going to be all over him. But that's not until Saturday. And it will be twenty four hours until we do our show again, which seems like a painfully long time to wait.

"But that's so long!" I protest. "Tomorrow is so far away."

Hannah laughs. "Come on. It's not that bad. Plus, we have all day tomorrow."

"I'm going to go out of my way to make sure I get to see you tomorrow, even if we don't have any classes together," I say.

"You better!" she teases.

Just then, Sadie comes running up to us. "Hey guys, I hate to break up the happy meeting here, but David wants to see you guys. And bring Derek, too." She looks over to where Derek is being mobbed by girls. "If you can get him away from the fangirls."

Courtney laughs. She leaves to go get Derek. It takes her about five minutes, but she eventually gets him out of the cluster and brings him over to us. Together, we follow Sadie over to David, who is standing off to the side, looking at his phone.

"Oh, hi guys," he says shyly. "I think it's time to own up to some things."

"What do you mean?" Sadie inquires, concerned.

"I wanted to clear up with Derek why I've been avoiding him the whole time he's been here," David explains. "There's a reason I've been so protective of Oliver this whole show. I know what it's like to be bullied."

"Why would anyone bully you?" I ask him, dumbfounded. "You've never been anything but nice to me, and shyness is no reason to be mean to people."

David stares off into the night outside the glass doors. "My vision for my future is not what people think I should have," he sighs. He glances at Sadie. "Sadie is not alone. When I leave here in a couple months I want to go out to the country and live alone with a dog, maybe a horse. The reason I've been avoiding Derek is because I wanted him to be my roommate."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Derek replies. "I've heard it all at this point. I'm just glad to know that you're okay. I was worried something was going on at home."

David shakes his head. "I'm fine. And no, I don't mean I like you that way. I mean, yes, I do like you, but I don't want to, you know, you get it. Stuff like that scares me. I just want someone to keep me company, and you always struck me as someone whose company I could enjoy. Do you understand what I'm saying, or did I just make myself sound insane?"

Derek places a hand on David's shoulder. "Listen to me, David," he whispers. "You finish high school and get yourself a good job. Then you get yourself out to the country and situate yourself on a farm with a dog and a horse. I promise I will always be no more than an email away. Let me see your program."

David hands over his program, and Derek pulls out a marker he's apparently been carrying in his back pocket. He signs it, then writes his email. "If you need anything, I'm here for you. I know you've always wanted to hug me, so come here."

The two embrace, then take a few selfies. They shake hands before David runs off to the changing room.

"My respect for you just increased tenfold," I tell Derek. "That was beautiful."

Derek grins. "Don't mention it. Poor kid's been through enough. He needed to hear that. I just hope he doesn't hesitate to reach out if he needs my help."

Hannah and I look at each other, then back to Derek. "We'd better get changed for the outing," Hannah says. "Let's go, Oliver."

"Hold on, I need a pic with all of us," Courtney protests. "Everybody huddle up."

We all come together and take a selfie with Courtney. This kicks off a chain of our parents and other people taking pics of us. After everyone has had enough photos, I grip onto my crutches and glance over at Hannah.

"Race you back to the dressing rooms," I challenge her.

She smiles mischievously. "Last one back out here is a rotten egg!"

With that, Courtney and Derek hold the doors open for us, and we race back to the dressing rooms as fast as our feet and crutches can carry us.  

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now