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"I can't believe he kissed you!" Courtney squeals.

Oliver, Courtney, and I are standing in the audience with my parents while the rest of the cast mingles with their friends and family. I can't believe it either. My knees and hands are still trembling from the sheer bliss that resulted from that first kiss.

My mom hugs me. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," she says.

My dad steps forward from behind you. "My princess has found one heck of a prince," he tells Oliver. "I trust you'll treat her like the dancing princess she is."

Oliver nods. "Yes, sir, if I could, I'd buy her tickets to any Broadway show she wanted to see, no matter how many times she wanted to see it."

My dad pats him on the back. "Okay, Mr. Carowski, you have my full permission to marry my daughter when the day comes. You know how to make her happy."

Just then, Sadie comes running up to us. "David wants to see you three," she gasps breathlessly. "And bring Derek, too, if you can get him away from the fangirls."

Courtney laughs and leaves to find Derek, returning with him a moment later. We weave our way through the crowd until we find David, who's talking to a boy with brown hair wearing a basketball shirt.

"Hey, guys," David greets us.  "I wanted to officially apologize to Derek for the way I've treated him.  I had no business avoiding him the way I did."

"No offense taken," Derek replies.  "As long as everything is okay at home."

"Everything's fine.  I just get made fun of a lot for wanting you as my roommate.  I like you, but I'm like Sadie.  I don't like that stuff.  So when I say I like you, I mean that I want to live on a little farm out in the country and we have a dog and a horse or something.  Nothing gross.  That stuff scares me.  And you probably think I'm insane now."

"I never thought Sadie was insane, and I don't think you're insane," Derek tells him.  "While I can't join you in the country, I have another idea.  Let me see your program for a second."

David hands over the program he's been holding, and Derek whips out a marker.  He scribbles down his autograph and his email.  "There.  Now you have a way to get ahold of me when you need some advice.  Seems like you could use an email pen pal."

David smiles.  "Can I hug you?"

Derek embraces David, who takes a selfie with his phone. 

"Now you can say you've hugged Derek Anderson," Sadie jokes.

I raise my hand, and Oliver raises his. "Same," we reply in unison.

"Anyway, we'd better get changed so we can go to the diner for our opening night outing," Sadie remarks.

"Do you need a ride, Hannah?" Oliver asks me.

"Are you offering me one?"

He smiles. "Hannah, it would be my family's honor to drive you to the diner tonight. We can sing to Chain Breaker the whole way there. We can take you home, too."

I quickly accept his offer without hesitation, and hurry off to say goodbye to my family. My mom takes a few pics of me with Oliver, Derek, Courtney, and the rest of the cast, and then I head off to the dressing room to change. As I put on my clothes, I think back on where Oliver and I started and how we got to this point. I never thought the love of my life would find me in my now favorite musical, but here we are. And I don't care that he has crutches. He's Oliver, and that's all I care about. From here, our possibilities are limitless.  

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now