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We spend the first fifteen minutes of rehearsal doing stretches to warm up. Not sure why we're stretching just to read through the script, but whatever. This is theatre. I am in the cast. I am the lead actor. I am going to soak in every single second of this show and rehearsal process. I have waited eighteen years for this. I will be grateful for every moment I get to spend with this cast. I glance over at Hannah, hoping that she won't abandon me after this show is over. But she's pretty popular, well-liked, and a staple of our program. There is a chance she's just going to leave me after our last show just to preserve her social status. I certainly wouldn't blame her. So for now, I will be grateful for the time I have with her.

After stretching, we all sit in a circle. Ms. Dawson brings over a bowl of popcorn and sets it in the middle, then passes out cups. "I figured you guys would be hungry, so I made you all a treat."

We all thank her with one voice, then start taking turns scooping popcorn into our cups as she distributes scripts to everyone.

I shovel a handful of popcorn into my face as I pick up my script. I can almost hear the overture playing as I open to the first page. I can hear the trumpets playing the melody of "Winner" while the violins play in the background. I begin to imagine Enso's first entrance onstage and the way you can faintly hear his crutches tapping onstage as he appears. It's a beautiful image. He's just like me. He's just like me. He's-

"Psst." Hannah taps me on the shoulder.

I snap out of my daydream. "Sorry, Hannah."

She smiles warmly. "It's okay, Oliver," she whispers back. "I got lost for a minute too. Derek is so dreamy."

Yep, just as I figured, Hannah has a crush on Derek Anderson. Typical. Again, I don't blame her. He is dreamy. He's beautiful. If I wasn't straight, he'd be the kind of guy I'd go after. But I am straight. And right now I'm getting butterflies staring into Hannah's emerald eyes.

As we continue reading, we get to Anjan's first line. David opens his mouth to speak, then hesitates and puts his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, guys," he apologizes. "I don't feel comfortable saying this stuff at all."

"There's no curse words," I point out. "So that's something."

"Yeah, but I don't want to insult you, Oliver. Derek wouldn't want me to. I don't want to. I feel like a terrible person saying half the stuff Anjan says. I don't want to be a bully."

I think for a moment, then decide to give him the oldest tip in the book. "Hey, David, here's a suggestion. Think of me in my underwear. Don't make eye contact with me, just stare at a spot behind me. That way you don't necessarily have to look at me."

"Good idea, Oliver," Ms. Dawson remarks. "I want you to try that, David. And by the way, playing a bully does not make you a bully. You are still a sweet, kind-hearted young man. I have faith you can play this role very well if you follow Oliver's advice. Try it again. You've got this."

David takes a deep breath, then looks down at his script. "'Hey, Enso, said your name at any of your houses lately?'" he reads. His voice trembles, but there's a scrap of confidence underneath trying to come out. I give him a thumbs up, and he manages a small smile. "That wasn't so bad."

"See? You've got this," I congratulate him. "Good job. Let's keep going."

We continue reading for two hours, stopping occasionally to listen to the songs in turn. I look over at Hannah. I can tell she wants to sing along. I cannot wait to hear her sing Sholta's lines. And Sholta has some very good lines in the songs, especially in "I'm Not Broken". And she raps, too. I do most of the rapping, but I can't wait to hear Hannah rap. I wish the music could go on forever. I wish this feeling could go on forever. I wish I could live in rehearsal. I'm actually here. I'm an actor in my dream role. I couldn't be happier.

After rehearsal, I meet Hannah in the school lobby.

"That was really nice of you," she says. "To help David, I mean. That was good advice."


"Hey, do you want to try out one of the songs?" she asks me, brushing her red hair out of her face. "Maybe 'I'm Not Broken'? That's our big duet. I want to hear it from you."

My heart begins to race. Hannah wants to sing with me. I hope that I don't mess this up. I hope she thinks I'm a good singer. I hope I don't embarrass myself.

So I close my eyes and begin singing.

"I'm just a boy from the streets of Raasi

Everyone's always saying you'll never be good as me"

I continue singing, and soon the music takes over. Physically, I'm in a small high school lobby with Hannah. Mentally, I'm onstage, opening night, singing my heart out to a sold out house, but yet I'm singing only to her.

We get to the chorus, and even though she doesn't sing the chorus until the second repetition in the show, she decides to join in.

"I could be something

Something amazing

The clouds are gone

The sun is shining

Yeah I may fall down

But don't we all now

Cast doubt aside

Become a hero

My heart is lighter

I'm gonna rise up

And show 'em all that I'm not broken"

I expect her to start singing the second verse, but she instead stares at me with wide eyes in awe.

"You're amazing," we both tell each other at the same time.

"You're more amazing," she protests.

I shake my head. "No, you're more amazing. I thought you'd have the voice of an angel, but you have the voice of a literal goddess. You're incredible. Period."

She blushes intensely. "You could easily give Derek a run for his money."

I hold up a hand. "No way. I can't compare to him. He's amazing. Comparing me to him is like comparing a house cat to a lion."

Hannah shifts her weight from one foot to the other. "And yet I'd rather have a house cat at the foot of my bed than a lion."

Was that a flirt? I can't tell.

But it doesn't matter.

After she says goodbye, I retreat to a corner and open WorldChat.

And in the search bar I type the name of the person I hope to find.

Courtney Sheaffer.  

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now