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Oliver's face turns redder than a tomato. My heart is pounding against my rib cage. Time seems to freeze. Moments pass in silence. Finally, he takes a deep breath. Is he going to reject me?

"With me?" His voice is almost timid, like he can't believe his ears.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "With you. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Not even Derek makes me feel like this. I mean, he used to, but he hasn't since I met you."

"I thought you liked Derek," he says.

I have to stifle my laughter. He is literally the only person in this entire freaking cast and crew that thinks that. Even Derek seems to have known I'm not romantically interested in him.

"I do, or I did. He's a good kid, but he doesn't make my heart completely melt every time I look at him. Not anymore. I used to fangirl scream over him, but now I almost break down crying at the mere thought of dancing with you that one time. I have to admit, that was the best moment of this entire show so far."

"What about meeting Derek?"

I shake my head. "Nope. That was amazing, and I'm really enjoying getting to know him, but it doesn't beat the moment we danced. Seeing you smile at being able to dance without your crutches was the best thing I've ever seen. I mean it."

Oliver gives me a tiny smile. "Why are you in love with me? Derek is way better. He's able-bodied and way more handsome than me. Plus, he's famous. What's not to like? Literally every other high school female here is bending over backwards to try to get with him. Are you seriously turning down the chance to be the girlfriend of the current king of Broadway?"

I clench my other fist. Why can't Oliver see what I see when he looks in the mirror? Why would he think that I care about being a famous guy's girlfriend more than him when he's the only one who sets my heart on fire? "Oliver, listen to me. Yes, Derek is good looking. But he's not you. When I look into those stunning blue eyes of yours, I see the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on. I see a heart that beats for theater and those you care about. I see a soul that gives more heart and spirit to the role of Enso than anyone else ever could. I see the boy that reunited me with my best friend after twelve long years. I see the brave champion that doesn't let the bullies win. I love you because you're you, Oliver. I love you because you're beautiful. You're the kind of guy I've always wanted and more."

Oliver stands there, silently leaning on his crutches. I really hope I chose the right words to win him over. It seems like forever until he looks up at me again.

"I was so worried," he replies at last. "I thought I held you back. I was worried you wouldn't want to be with me. You know, for the good of your social status."

Did he just admit he likes me back?

I wave my hand dismissively. "Who cares about my social status? I sure don't. All I care about at this point is whether or not you like me too."

Oliver flashes that gorgeous smile. "If I answered no, I would be telling a big fat lie," he answers. "And I promised my mother I wouldn't tell lies."

I can feel my face blushing intensely, but I don't care. I'm about to burst from happiness. Oliver likes me, too. He just admitted it. My body feels paralyzed from pure joy. I don't know what to do or say. I feel like I'm in a dream. This entire first month of musical rehearsal has played out like a dream sequence.

"Earth to Hannah!" Oliver says, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you going to just stand there? Or are you going to hug me?"

I throw my arms around him and feel him hug me tightly. Right now, I don't care who sees us or what they think. Anyone who has a problem with me loving him can go voice their opinion to someone who cares. I have won the heart of Oliver Carowski just by being me, and he has won my heart by just being himself. Neither of us have to change for the other. This is truly incredible. A warm sensation spreads through my body as I hug Oliver, seeping into my soul. I can't imagine wanting anything else.  

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