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I have no idea what drove me to run and hide myself here while crying, but I'm feeling such strong emotions that I don't know what else to do. I don't know what just happened in the last few seconds. One minute I was fine. I was dancing, singing, and doing my thing. Then I looked at Oliver, and suddenly, I couldn't focus on anything else. Just like that, he took over my mind. All I can think of is Oliver. And I can't not admit that this isn't the first time I've felt like this, even though it's the first time I've felt it so strongly. Every time he touches me or gets anywhere within two feet of me, an electric sensation goes through my body. I don't know what it is, but for some strange reason, I like it. I can't wait to be with Oliver every day at rehearsal, and when I don't see him on days we don't have rehearsal, I feel sad. I'm so lost in thought that I don't notice someone entering the stage craft room.

"Hannah?" I hear Derek's voice call out. Oh great. Now my idol is going to find me crying my eyes out in the corner. This situation could not possibly get anymore awkward on my end of things. Life sure is good.

I freeze, hoping he won't find me. I may not be worried about dating him right now, but I definitely don't want him to see me when I'm a blubbering mess, my eyes red from crying, strawberry blonde hair messed up from nervously running my hands through it, snot probably coming out of my nose. I'm definitely in no shape to talk to a teen celebrity right now.

But I'm out of luck. He eventually finds me sitting on the floor, hiding among the costumes. "Are you okay? What happened?"

He seems genuinely worried about me, and he's always been so kind to me, so I decide to talk to him. Maybe he can help me.聽

"I don't know what's wrong with me," I sniff. "I just get this feeling every time I'm with Oliver. I should be more excited that you're here, because you're my hero. I've wanted to meet you ever since you debuted on the Broadway stage. I thought for sure I'd be one of the girls flirting with you. But since I met Oliver, things are different. He gives me butterflies like I've never felt before. I can't get him off my mind."

Derek sits down next to me. He hesitates for a minute, then places a hand on my shoulder. "I know what that feeling is, Hannah," he answers gently. "It's called love."

I knew he was going to say that. And this time, I don't even try to protest. I just nod silently and let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I should have listened to my best friend before.

After a moment, I glance up at him. "Courtney keeps saying that, too. But until now, I thought that she was wrong. There's just something about Oliver that draws me to him. He's the real life Enso."

"But it's not just that, is it?"

I shake my head. "It's not. He's so kind. He reunited Courtney and I after twelve years without me asking him to. He searched for her for four hours on Instagram trying to track her down. He brought her here because I almost started crying a few days after we first met telling him how much I missed her. He's helped David get over his hesitation. He gets bullied for no reason, yet braves it like it's nothing. He won't even let anyone go confront his bullies because he doesn't want to start fights. He doesn't let his disability hold him back at all. He's amazing. I think Courtney is right."

Derek smiles. "I think she is, too."聽

"Do you think I should talk to him?" I ask.

Derek shrugs. "It's up to you. I think you should talk to Courtney. She knows you better than I do, so I think she's the better one to go to for advice. But I do know that you've definitely got feelings for Oliver. You've got all the classic symptoms of a bad case of being hopelessly in love."

"Do I have time?"

Derek stands up. "I'll go get her. Ms. Dawson will probably understand. Just stay here."

Within minutes, he returns with Courtney. "I hear you're in love, Hannah," she says upon seeing me hunched in a ball on the floor. "What have I been telling you?"

I manage a laugh. I realize I'm laughing at my own stupidity. Why the heck have I kept denying the obvious for so long? "You were right, Courtney. I love Oliver."

It's now Courtney's turn to laugh. "I knew it!" She high-fives Derek. "We were wondering how long it would take you to admit it."

"Yeah, now you owe me five bucks," Derek teases.

"So you two were betting on when I'd fess up?" I know these two are quirky, but I didn't think they'd go this far.

"Nah, he's messing with me," Courtney replies. "But seriously, I'm surprised, Hannah. The you I remember would have made Oliver yours already. I'm pretty sure five year old you would have been dating him by now. Go get him, my little superstar. I think he likes you, too."

I pull myself to my feet and hug Courtney. "You really think he likes me?"

Courtney grins at me. "Like I said, friends don't look at each other like that when they dance."

"Do I get a hug, too?" Derek asks, extending his arms.

I take a deep breath, and then wrap my arms around him. "I'm hugging Derek Anderson," I whisper. "I'm hugging Derek Anderson."

Derek gives my shoulder a quick squeeze and then playfully punches my arm. "Alright, now go out there. Go get your Enso."

I fake gag. "You realize how wrong that sounds? I'm playing his sister, dude!"

All three of us bustout laughing. We come together for a group hug before I hurry backonstage, where I come face to face with the boy I love.

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now