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Time has passed. Hannah and I have been together for about two months. We haven't kissed yet; we both agree that we need to save our first kiss for a very special moment. I'm not sure when that moment will be, but until then, I happily accept all forms of love from the beautiful redhead that I still can't believe I get to call my girlfriend.

Right now everyone in our cast is on high alert. It's tech week, which means a lot of things. First, it means everyone has been off book for awhile now. Second, it means that for the next week, every rehearsal is dress rehearsal. Third, it means that we have a band in the pit. Our band is composed of a few professionals, but the drummer is a student. She's pretty good. Everyone in the band is extremely talented.

I'm in the boy's dressing room, changing into my costume. As I slip on my gray tunic, I can't help but wonder what Hannah looks like in her costume. I've seen her costume once when she first got it, a beautiful teal dress with tiny orange polka dots and a light green sash. It looked amazing then. I can't imagine what it's going to look like on her. I'm probably going to be blown away.

David is next to me, putting on his purple robes and orange sash quietly. "I can't pull off purple," he mutters. "I look ridiculous. I can't pull off cool colors. I only look good in warm colors except for that denim jacket I have."

I glance over at him as I grab my crutches to head behind the partition to put on my shorts. "You look fine to me, bro," I tell him. "You're good. Don't worry about it."

I slip behind the barrier and quickly get my shorts on. Now I need to go back out and let someone wrap my right leg in bandages. I'd do it myself, but I can't seem to do it right. So I return to my seat and wait for someone to come help me.

Sure enough, just then, Derek steps into the room with the cloth strips that act as Enso's bandages. I wave at him, and he grins at me. "You ready for your mummy treatment?" he asks with a laugh.

"Yep," I reply. "I can't really extend my leg, though, and it's kind of crooked. Hope you don't mind."

Derek sits on the floor in front of me and begins wrapping my bad leg. "No problem. You're just like Enso. You got this down to a science. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have be the first high school Enso. You're perfect, my dude. Just perfect."

I try to hold still as he continues working. "Thanks, bro."

He looks up at me. "I'm really going to miss you when this is all over. Hannah, too. I love chaperoning you two on dates. I'm going to miss that."

David glances over at us. "Can one of you two help me with my sash when you're done?"

"Sure thing," Derek replies. "Just give me a moment."

Derek finishes what he's doing and then heads over to help David. I head over to a nearby mirror to do my stage makeup, faintly aware of Derek telling David he's good to go and David leaving the room. After I get my makeup done, I slip my stage crutches under my arms and head out from the dressing room, immediately greeted by an awestruck Hannah and an amused Sadie.

Hannah's hair is braided, her makeup is done to perfection, and she looks like a goddess in her dress. I find myself at a loss for words. I just stand there, staring at her. I don't even know what to say. She's so pretty. And judging by the look on her face, she likes what she sees on me, too.

"I can't believe how hot you look in that," Hannah remarks. "Your hotness level just went up by, like, a thousand. Seriously."

Sadie whistles as she looks me up and down. "Gorgeous. I like it."

Limitless: The Second EditionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz