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"I can't believe it's really you!" Hannah cries as she refuses to let go of Courtney. "Is it really you?"

Courtney can't stop smiling as she hugs Hannah. "I never thought I'd see you again, my little superstar. But here you are. I'm so happy to see you again. I'm so, so proud of you."

I want to say something, but what is there to say? I did what I set out to do. I brought these two amazing women back together. They're hugging each other, they're happy. What could I possibly say to make this moment any more special than it is? There is nothing more to say. Hannah is happy. That is all that matters. Mission accomplished.

Maybe I should sneak out now and give them some time alone. I'm about to slip away and go use the bathroom or get a drink or something when Hannah turns around to me. I can see two and two coming together in her head. I can see her putting the pieces together. I really hope she doesn't make a big deal of this once it clicks. I just wanted her to be happy. End of story.

"Did- did you do this?" Hannah stammers.

Well, there's no getting out of it now. She knows. Besides, it honestly would only be a matter of time before she figured it out if she didn't do it in this moment. I decide to give myself up. I nod to let her know, yes, I did do this. I silently wave in hopes of telling her that no, I don't want the credit.

The moment I realize there's no escaping credibility for what I've done is the moment that Hannah pulls me into the group hug without warning. Courtney immediately embraces me.

"Thank you for finding my best friend," she whispers. "It's been thirteen years. You have no idea what this means to us."

"I have an idea," I reply. "She talks about you all the time."

Courtney smiles at Hannah and pulls her close. "That sounds like her," she says. "You're just like I hoped you'd be, Hannah. I've missed you more than you'll ever know."

Hannah looks at Courtney with tears falling down her freckled cheeks. "Not a day has gone by that I didn't think of you," she answers. "You're the reason I'm a theatre kid. You're the reason I'm here. I always hoped I'd find you someday. I missed you like crazy." She glances at me, then back at Courtney. "Oh, hey, this is my friend Oliver. He's the star of our show."

"Pleased to finally meet you in person, Oliver," Courtney greets me. "You're going to totally rock it as Enso. Say, you're not annoyed with my partner in crime here, are you?"

I can't help but laugh. "No way. Of course not. Why would I be? She's awesome. It is my sincerest regret that I only get to spend Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday with her and that we do not have any classes together. And by some sheer stroke of bad luck, we never seem to run into each other in the hallway nor do we have the same lunch periods."

Courtney nods. "Yeah, that is kind of rough. Anyway, I have some big news for you two."

I try to hide my grin. Here comes the part where Hannah finds out that she's going to keep her best friend.

"Ooh, tell me!" Hannah replies excitedly. "What is it?"

"I'm going to stay to help out with your show!" Courtney exclaims. "You aren't getting rid of me this time, my little superstar."

The two hug each other again, and just when I think I'm going to be left out of the mutual squeezing of air out of lungs, I'm pulled into the huddle by both of them.

When we let go, Hannah turns to Courtney again. "Say, do you like Chain Breaker?"

Courtney nods enthusiastically. "Oh, yeah. In fact, I worked on the choreography for it! So of course I like the show. I was part of the team that brought it to life. And I'm so glad to see that the first off-Broadway Enso is someone like Oliver. Derek would be so happy. Wait until he finds out. Unless one of you has already told him?"

Hannah rolls her eyes. "Don't even get me started. And both of us are too nervous to talk to him."

"Yeah, I'll second that," I add. "I'm too nervous."

"And then there's David who messaged him once and then never again after he got a response because he freaked out so much," Hannah points out.

I sigh and put on my most annoyed facial expression. "And then there's the girl in the ensemble who won't shut up about how Derek still talks to her despite the fact she blows up his messages all the time."

Courtney laughs. "Oh, you two. Believe me, Derek has seen it all. And if you do decide to tell him, one of two things will happen. One, he'll blow up your phone asking for more details. Two, he'll eventually show up here. Or bonus, he'll follow you and pester you for details."

"Can't you tell him?" Hannah begs?

Courtney pats us both on the back. "Lucky for you two, I actually have his number, because I worked with him. I'll tell him everything. Do I have your permissions to give him your social medias if he asks?"

I look over at Hannah, and we both give her a thumbs up. "Definitely," we reply in unison.

"Good. Just get ready to have your phones blown up. He'll be so excited." She pauses, then looks at both of us. "Say, the only reason I heard that whole song was because I was standing outside the door the whole time. I want to hear you sing 'Winner'. I'll sing Layeba's part. Go on. Show me what you can do."

Hannah goes to her phone and turns on the music.

I begin rapping the first verse like my life depends on it. My voice is strong. Suddenly, the band room transforms into the stage, and I am not up here alone. Hannah and Courtney are up here with me, and the three of us are singing loudly and proudly to an audience of none.

Well, one.

That's when I notice Ms. Dawson standing in the doorway, smiling and shaking her head.

When we finish the song, Courtney cranes her neck to smile back at her.

Ms. Dawson waves, then steps into the room.

"Welcome back, Courtney."

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now