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You'd think I would be the one helping Oliver out of his mom's car, but instead it's the other way around. It's now May, two months since our musical. Today is prom, and Oliver is dressed in a fancy blue suit with a corsage pinned over his chest. A boutonniere is around my right wrist, and I'm wearing a blue dress that makes me look like a Greek goddess, according to Oliver.

So much has happened since the musical. Courtney and I have begun having a girls' night out every Saturday, and we occasionally bring Oliver with us. I've been accepted into the college I applied to for theater. To my surprise, a representative that had been at the show the second night had been so impressed with Oliver's performance that he said he would personally recommend Oliver if he applied to the school. Oliver did, and we were both thrilled when he got in. We can hardly wait to start college together in a few months.

We've also kept in contact with Derek. He had become quite attached to Oliver and I over the course of rehearsals, and so he asked if he could keep in contact with us. We exchanged social media and phone numbers, and now we message each other all the time. When he found out Oliver and I got into the same college, he treated us to one of his shows in New York. We spent a lovely weekend there, shopping, sightseeing, and meeting the rest of the Broadway cast. Apparently Derek had informed them all about us and we were as much of celebrities to them as they are to us.

David has decided to join us at prom.  He says he's avoided high school dances all this time for fear someone would try to get creepy with him, and he's ready to have some fun with good music and good food.  

"Hey guys!" Sadie exclaims as she we enter the ballroom. "Ready to dance?"

"Let's dance," Oliver says.

For the next hour, we eat snacks, dance, and mess around in the photo booth. Then the DJ calls for everyone's attention. "Will Oliver Carowski and Hannah McFloyd please report to the stage?" he calls out.

Confused, I follow Oliver to the stage. "You'll see," he assures me with a sly smile.

"I'm sure you all know these two," the DJ announces. "We're going to play a very special song just for them. You all are welcome to dance, too."

The first notes of "Winner" drift through the speakers, and I instantly know what to do. But then I pause and look at Oliver. "I want to dance," I say.

Oliver sets his crutches against the wall and grips onto my shoulders. "I, too, want to dance," he replies smoothly.

The other students are singing and dancing, but I barely notice them. All I notice is the beautiful boy in front of me. Since his debut in the musical, no one has been picking on him. I don't see why any of them picked on him in the first place, but it doesn't matter now. We let ourselves be swept away by the song. When it ends, Oliver and I kiss on the last note, and everyone else screams with excitement and happiness. Life honestly couldn't get any better than this.

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