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Tech week is over. Thursday is here. The lights are primed and ready. The band is in the pit warming up. We're all in full costume and makeup. Derek and Courtney are making sure everyone is all set. It's opening night, and it's go time.

As I sit backstage waiting for the show to start, I look over at Hannah. She looks more beautiful than I've ever seen her. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I can't believe I get to call her my girlfriend. Sadie is excitedly talking to her, and David is pacing around anxiously.

"You ready?" Sadie asks. "My aunt and uncle flew in from Florida to see this show. Anyone else have anyone coming?"

"I do, maybe," David pipes up. "I don't know, though."

"Who is it?" I question him.

"Just a friend. I don't know if they can make it, though. I really hope they can. It would mean the world to see them here tonight."

"Hey, don't worry, they'll probably show up," I reply. "At least, for your sake, I'm hoping they do."

David smiles. "Thanks, Oliver. I hope so, too."

Derek enters the backstage area. "I'm so proud of everyone here," he says. "Don't worry, I've already sent pics of you guys to my fellow cast members back home. They're rooting for you, too. I hope you all know how amazing you are." Suddenly he walks up and puts an arm around me. "Especially you, Oliver. And where's Hannah?"

Hannah rushes over. "Right here!"

He puts his other arm around her. "These two. These two are goals. I can only hope that one day I find something like what they've got. They're incredible, and so are the rest of you. I wish that this could go on forever. You guys are the coolest people I've ever met. You've all won my heart. I'm going to say a few words before you guys take your places, then you'll take it from there. I'll be in the front row watching every night."

Courtney comes in behind him. "Geez, Derek, let me give a pep talk for once," she jokes. She runs up to Hannah and hugs her tightly. "You're going to be great, my little superstar," she whispers. "I'll be right next to Derek cheering you on. You're my favorite member of this cast, and my favorite Sholta. Don't tell Kaya Aquino I said that."

Hannah laughs. "Don't worry, Courtney. I won't. I promise."

The lights in the auditorium fade out, and Courtney and Derek share a look. "That's our cue," Derek says. "See you guys out there. Remember, you've got this."

They go out through the curtain, and the audience immediately starts screaming wildly when they see Derek. I can't help but laugh quietly to myself. It reminds me of two months ago when we all met him for the first time. When the crowd quiets down, Courtney and David take turns giving the usual stage announcements. No photography or video allowed. Flashing light warning. Then Derek starts talking about me. I freeze, and Hannah stands beside me to listen to what he's saying.

"As you know, the main character of this show, Enso, uses crutches due to a bad leg. And at first glance, Oliver, the insanely talented young man who's playing him tonight, seems like a normal kid. He's sweet, funny, and appears to be your typical eighteen year old kid. But what you may not know about Oliver is that he also uses crutches in real life. Please be sure to give him a lot of love. Can you do that for me?"

The audience cheers in response.

"Alright. Good job, guys. I knew I could count on you. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." Derek and Courtney leave the stage, and the lights go down again.

I turn to Hannah. "This is my cue," I tell her. "See you out there."

She pats me on the back. "Go get 'em, Enso." She's quiet for a moment, then stares me right in the eye. "I love you."

"I love you more," I reply in a whisper.

I head onstage and sit on the "rock," which is really a sculpture that we commissioned the art club for. I sit there and just stare into space, minding my own business. Already I can feel my character taking over. I am ceasing to be Oliver James Carowski. I am becoming one with Enso.

A few ensemble members come onstage, milling around on the other side. David enters, and begins insulting me. I don't mind. It's not him insulting me. It's Anjan. David would never. And I can't look him in the eye right now, but my mind flashes back to that pained expression in his eyes during tech week.

After a brief exchange with him, David begins singing "Greater than Me". For the first time, it's hard to act annoyed and hurt by his words, because now, that song has no power. In the past, I usually skipped that song on my playlist because it represented the football players who picked on me every day. Now I proudly sing it alone in my room, envisioning them in front of me, cowering in front of my newfound power. I am Enso, and those guys were my Anjan.

Then it comes time for my first solo, "Standing on My Own". I sit there on my rock, allowing Enso's feelings of helplessness and despair to possess me. I sing my heart out to what appears to be a full house. I channel Enso's energy and allow my voice to ring out with raw power and emotion.

After that, the rest of the act goes by in a blur until it's time for my duet with Hannah. We've practiced "I'm Not Broken" together so many times it feels like second nature. I begin singing, and I pretend I don't notice her face turning red under her makeup. When she joins me, it's my turn to blush, and I can suddenly feel something rising within me. I know this is going to be one of the most glorious moments of our relationship. Somehow I know that something big is going to happen tonight.

During the instrumental break in the song, instead of Hannah having a solo dance, we've tweaked the choreography to do something amazing. I set my crutches aside, and she allows me to hold onto her like we did that night so many weeks ago. We begin dancing a little, and then when the vocals start again, I continue leaning on her, and we sing together, our voices rising into the dark auditorium.

When the song ends, Hannah and I are greeted by exuberant cheers from our audience, then I get my crutches back and we go offstage where we're met with our excited friends.

"I hope I did it justice," I whisper.

"Oh, you did it more than justice," Hannah whispers back. "You won the whole show."  

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