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It's been about a month since our show. It's now spring break, and Hannah and I are sitting on the floor in my room, video chatting with Derek on Hannah's laptop.

"So it's any day now that you find out whether you got accepted?" Derek asks.

"Yep, any day now," Hannah replies. "I'm so nervous. I don't know why I'm nervous. Both our video auditions went well."

"Are you nervous that one of you will get in and the other won't?"

I nod. "Definitely. I don't want to face the fact that we could be separated. It's bad enough being separated from you."

"Well, let's not talk about that right now," Derek says. "Let's not think about that. Let's think about the very real and very substantial possibility that you'll both get into Grayson College. You'll be fine. I've got faith in both of you."

Just then, Alita bounds up the stairs and into my room. I call out to her, and she tries to jump on my bed.

Hannah ruffles Alita's fur. "Hi, pretty girl," she coos. She holds her laptop up to the dog. "Say hi to Derek!"

Derek's face lights up. "Hi, puppy! Who's a good girl? Are you a good girl? Who's the prettiest puppy in the world?"

Alita dances around, searching for the source of the voice. She eventually realizes that it's coming from the laptop and starts sniffing it. We're all laughing at her antics while Hannah and I give her all the attention.

Just then, Hannah's phone lights up with a notification. I can't see what it is, but she takes one look at it and freezes. "It's my email," she mutters. "This could be it."

Derek claps his hands. "Check it, sis. I'm here for you."

Hannah's hands are trembling as she opens the email. I glance over at her and see it's from the college. I decide to open my own email. Sure enough, I have an email from them, too. "I got one as well," I tell Derek. "I'm scared."

"Don't worry about it, bro. You got this. Let's go. Open them at the same time. On the count of three. One, two, three!"

We both open our emails at the same time. I begin reading my email to myself while Hannah begins reading hers out loud."

"Dear Grayson Applicant," Hannah reads. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a future Mountain Goat! Congratulations! Please be on the lookout in a few days for an email on everything you need to know as a mighty mountain goat." Hannah looks up at me, her face white. "What about you, Oliver."

I'm staring at my own email message, unable to speak. "Hannah, we made it. We're going to college together!"

Derek immediately starts screeching victoriously. "That's what I'm talking about, you two! And guess what? Grayson College is only twenty minutes away from where I live. We're going to see each other all the time!"

"Mom!" I call. "Get up here!"

My mom races up the stairs and barges into my room to find us freaking out on the floor. "What's going on here?" she asks, bewildered.

I grin at her and put an arm around Hannah, then look at the laptop. "Derek, would you like to do the honors?"

"Only if Hannah calls her parents," Derek answers. "They need to hear this, too."

Hannah quickly gets her family on the phone and holds it up to the laptop speaker.

Derek clears his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the presence of the next two future Grayson Mountain Goats! Congratulations, Oliver and Hannah!"

My mom and Hannah's parents begin screaming with excitement. "My baby is going to New York!" Mom cries. "Derek, please tell me you'll take care of them."

"I'll say," Hannah's father adds on the other end of the phone. "Derek, please say you'll visit my girl and my honorary son every chance you get."

Derek smiles on the video call. "Don't worry, Mr. McFloyd. I've got them. They're my best friends. I'll keep an eye on them for you guys. Hold on, let me call Courtney."

He picks up his phone and calls Hannah's friend, who picks up almost instantly. When we tell her that we just got into college, she, too, starts screaming.

"Way to go, my little superstar," she exclaims. "Good job. I know you have five days left of spring break. Your local amusement park just opened for their spring season. I'm coming down there for you two. Derek, do you want to come?"

Derek sighs. "Sorry, Courtney. Show business. I'd love to make it, but I got my own offer for these two. I promised them I'd take them out for the weekend if they got in, and I'm keeping that promise. Hannah, Oliver, when do you graduate?"

"Mid May," I tell him. "Graduation is May twentieth."

"Alright. That weekend, I'll come down and pick you up. I've already cleared this with my mom and dad. We'll go to my house for the weekend and you guys can come see the show. We'll go out to dinner and you can meet my friends. They've been dying to meet you. Got it?"

Hannah and I look at each other excitedly. "We're going to Broadway!" she cheers. "Well, I've been there a few times. How about you?"

"Once," I reply. "But never to see Chain Breaker."

"Well, let's change that," Derek says. "Bring your shirts and stuff. The rest of the cast would love to sign them. I'm so excited for you guys. I can't believe it's only four months until we get to see each other all the time. Let's go!"

"Right now we need to do something," Mom says. "We need to go and grab dinner tonight at Albert's. What do you say, McFloyds?"

"Sounds good to me," Hannah's mom replies. "How about we meet you there at five?"

"Deal," Mom answers. "In the meantime, Oliver and Hannah, are you hungry? I just made a chocolate cake."

"Mom's a chef," I tell Hannah. "Her cakes are amazing."

Hannah grins. "Then I'd love to have some," she says. "Thanks, Mrs. Carowski."

"Come on downstairs, you two. It's all ready for you."

Mom leaves the room, and Hannah says goodbye to her parents and Courtney.

"I can let you guys go," Derek offers. "Go enjoy your cake."

"No, you're good," I answer. "It's fine. Thanks for everything."

Just then, a petite woman comes into view. "Derek, can I say hi?" she asks.

"Oh, sure," he replies. "Hey guys, this is my mom."

"Call me Anne," the woman says. "I can't wait to meet you two. Derek never shuts up about you. Well, I'll be on my way now. I just wanted to say hello."

After his mom leaves, Derek turns back to us. "I'm so excited, guys. This is a dream come true for all of us. Here's to many more adventures together."

Hannah and I share a quick kiss, and I smile back at him. "Same to you, bro," I respond. "Same to you."

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now