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After intermission ends, we're all back onstage for Act Two. The first song in this act is "Battle Cry", which is David's favorite, even if he isn't in it.

Sadie starts off the song, singing the opening lines loud and proud. Over the last few months, I've come to have a special appreciation for her alto voice. She's an incredible vocalist, and I really hope that if Lucy Winters ever sees a clip of her singing, that she contacts her and tells her that she's an amazing singer.

We all sing the chorus of the song together. The harmonies in this song are stunning. This song consists of Sadie, Hannah, the actor for Layeba's friend Kanji, the ensemble, and me. Sadie is an alto, Hannah is a soprano, I'm a tenor, and Kanji is a bass. All four voice parts get to blend together in this amazing song that hypes everyone up for the big climax. Up until this point the songs have been all emotion and pretty chill. Now the songs are all hype and no chill. At this point, it's only a matter of time until we get to "Winner".

After "Battle Cry" ends, we continue with the next few scenes as normal. Hannah's face is redder than a tomato, probably because she's looking at me most of the time. Even when she's not supposed to be looking at me, she sneaks glances at me, slipping me a smile every chance she gets. She's so adorable when she does that. I can't help but think about how cute she is as I do my best to stay focused and do my thing.

I guess the second best part of the musical next to "I'm Not Broken" and "Winner" is the song "Battle Cry" and the "Standing on My Own Reprise". The "Standing on My Own Reprise" is much like the original song, but this time, instead of an overwhelming feeling of despair, it's a song of hope. It's when Enso realizes the magnitude of what he's about to do. It's when he realizes that it's time for him to stand up to his number one enemy.

The songs in Act Two are probably my favorite, with the exception of "I'm Not Broken" from Act One. "Winner" of course will always have a special place in my heart because of how lively it is and how much I love the choreography, but at this point, I'm not sure it's my number one favorite anymore. "I'm Not Broken" isn't just a song anymore. That's the song Hannah and I bonded over. That song was the first time I heard her sing up close in person. That song was the first time I saw her dance. That song was playing when she was reunited with Courtney after thirteen years. That's the song that we've sung over the phone to each other almost every day since we got together.

And what about "Winner"? That song will always be special. Not just because of the incredible choreography and catchy melody, but because that's the song Hannah and I danced to that evening. Every time I listen to it, I think of dancing with her. It does't matter that we're actually dancing in the actual musical to "I'm Not Broken". "Winner" will always be the first song we danced to. And if we ever get married, I hope and pray that we'll blast that song first and dance to the entire Chain Breaker soundtrack all night long.

After what feels like forever, the moment we've all been waiting for finally arrives. I confront Anjan, and now it's just mere minutes until "Winner".

"Don't try anything, Anjan," I say, glaring at David. "I am stronger now."

"Can you walk?" he asks me, and I can see how much it's killing him inside to say that.


"Then how can you say you are stronger, you crippled criminal?" he retorts.

I take a deep breath and stare him in the eye as I begin my monologue. I can see him flinch a little, which I hope is just acting. I sincerely hope I'm not that scary.

"For years Ensoians have been held captive by the Line," I begin. "We have submitted everything we are to a document written hundreds of years ago. We force children to memorize it as soon as they can speak. We bully them into submission. And me, I have had the sovereignty of the Line imposed upon me from day one. It's my name, too. It's a cruel and unjust system that I have had to learn the hard way. Well, Anjan, I have something to say to you."

The band starts up the music from the pit. I begin rapping like my life depends on it. Somehow, I've never noticed my voice this strong. I've never felt more confident. Then I begin singing the chorus, stronger than ever. Then Hannah joins, and my confidence surges to unprecedented levels. We're really doing this. I can see Derek and Courtney in the front row, and they both have huge smiles on their faces. The rest of the audience is clearly having a blast, too.

By now the entire cast has joined in the song, except for Anjan, who stands off to the side pouting.

When "Winner" ends, we all strike a pose, and the audience claps furiously for a few seconds before we continue with the rest of the show. Before we know it, the show is over, the finale music is being played, and the minor actors are running out for bows.

First the ensemble comes out, followed closely by King Tanu and Kanji. Then David runs out, and instead of booing him, the crowd cheers for him. Then it's our turn. Sadie, Hannah, and I go out together, and the cheers rise to a deafening level. My heart begins to race as I make up my mind of what I'm about to do. I went to the tech team before hand and orchestrated this during tech week. And now it's about to become reality.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" I call out, pulling Hannah aside. The audience falls silent, and I am nearly shaking with anticipation. Hannah holds onto me and grins at me. "This show has been the best experience of my life. Not only did I meet and befriend my idol, Derek, but I also met this girl right here. If you read your program, you know who this is. This is Hannah McFloyd, also known as my girlfriend and the love of my life. We've been together for about two months, and thanks to Derek, we've gone on some pretty awesome dates. But there's one gift I've been waiting to give her, and I think the moment is right. So now, I'd like to present her with a gift that I've been wanting to give her ever since she told me she loves me."

As we blissfully ignore the crowd going nuts in the background, I pull her close, and Hannah McFloyd and I kiss for the very first time.  

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