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That evening, I'm sitting on my bed watching a recording of Chain Breaker for the hundredth time. The more I watch Derek's acting, the more I think of Oliver. David was right, we did get lucky to have him for our Enso. Right when the first notes of "I'm Not Broken" come through my headphones, my phone buzzes next to me, scaring my cat off the foot of my bed.

I pick it up and feel my heart begin to race when I realize it's Oliver. Hey, amiga, his message reads. Do you have a picture of you and Courtney? I was just wondering what she looked like.

I slide off my bed and walk over to my bookcase, pulling out an old purple photo album. I return to my comfy spot between my pillows and begin leafing through the photos until I come upon the one I'm looking for. In the photo, a four-year-old me stands smiling ear to ear while being hugged by a tall brown-haired young woman dressed as an aviator. Courtney. Child me is clinging onto the older girl with chubby arms. My tiny fingernails are painted a bright purple to match hers. I remember she used to bring nail polish to the daycare each week, her own nails being a different color every time. She'd bring a few other colors as well for other kids who wanted their nails painted, but she would always paint mine the same color as hers at my request. I gently run a finger over the photo, letting the memories wash over me. I would really give anything to find her again.

Snapping out of my highly nostalgic reverie, I grab my phone, snap a pic of the photo, and send it to Oliver. Seconds later, he responds, thanking me for the photo. I send him a thumbs up emoji and get right back to watching Chain Breaker. However, as I hit play, part of me doesn't want to put my phone down in case Oliver texts me again. I find myself actually wishing that he would message me again. My eyes are fixed on my laptop, but my fingers are closed tightly around my Wicked phone case, hoping to feel the vibration and hear the vibrant and cheerful ringtone signaling another text from my new friend.

I begin humming "I'm Not Broken" under my breath along to the video. Once again, Oliver's face pops into my mind again. I find myself thinking longingly back on how Oliver and I sang the song together after rehearsal, how he said my voice was amazing. More so, I can almost hear his voice in place of the gorgeous Derek Anderson's voice on the video. But for the first time, I don't feel the butterflies I usually get when I watch Chain Breaker. I'm too focused on when I'm going to see Oliver again.

As soon as the song ends, I can't fight it off any longer. I text Oliver, telling him how amazing his voice was in our lobby rendition of the song. I pause the video in anticipation, hoping he'll respond quickly.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, my phone vibrates. Funny, I was about to text you saying that I will never hear "I'm Not Broken" the same way again, he replies. Thanks to you and your amazing voice. I'm trying to listen to it on the CD right now and I can't stop hearing your voice over Kaya's. I feel like he's reading my mind. I was literally just watching the show and hearing his voice over Derek's.

I smile to myself. I text him back that I'm watching Chain Breaker and can't stop thinking about him. He responds with a smiley face, and that's when I decide next rehearsal can't come soon enough.

Limitless: The Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now