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It's been a few days since Derek showed up and almost all of the girls are still going gaga over him. I've seen at least three of the girls try to subtly flirt with him and another five flat out try to hit on him. One even performed an over the top dance move in front of him in an attempt to get his attention. She fell and nearly hurt herself, but I guess she got what she wanted, because he came over and helped her up. I have to give Derek credit where credit is due here. Even though he knows he's now working with a roomful of hormonal teenage girls desperate to get with him, most of whom will do anything and everything to get his attention, he is taking it like a champ. If all the fangirls are annoying him, he certainly isn't showing it. He is genuinely nice to everyone no matter what and just goes with the flow.

However, there is one girl who isn't flipping out over him. The person who used to nearly faint at the sight of him. The person who, when Derek first started in the show, swore she would marry him one day. The girl who binge watched the show on streaming websites when it was first released for hours on end every day.


For some reason, despite my idol being in the same room with me three out of seven days in a week, my main focus in rehearsal is still on Oliver. Believe it or not, Oliver has captured my attention more than Derek has since the rehearsals started. Courtney keeps trying to get me to tell him I like him, but I keep finding some excuse not to. According to her, I'm still in denial. Even Derek sends a knowing look my way whenever I'm with Oliver. Does he know something I don't?

Probably not.

There will be time to sort myself out later. Right now I need to focus on the task at hand.

Today we're running through the entire first act, music and all. It's going to be so much fun with both Courtney and Derek here. I've also noticed David keeps staring at Derek. Maybe he's just as starstruck as the fangirls that have continuously fawned over him since he showed up. I mean, he is Broadway's current teenage heartthrob. Everyone is still freaking out but Oliver and me.

No, I tell myself. That's fine. You don't need to freak out over him. The feeling you keep getting around Oliver is probably just excitement for the show. It's perfectly fine, nothing to worry about.

"You ready for this?" Oliver asks me, thankfully bringing me back to the present. Since Derek arrived on set, he's been a little more confident. I knew Derek would be good for him. From what I can tell, the two of them seem to be getting along like they've known each other forever. I've even found myself on the other side of a conversation with Derek, and I really like hanging out with him. When it comes down to it, I am actually grateful I can have a chat with him without blushing or doing something stupid out of nerves. In fact, I'm quite grateful to not be worried about impressing him at all. Oliver on the other hand...

Cut it out, I remind myself. Geez, Oliver is more of a distraction than Derek.

I nod, shaking off the thoughts. "I was born ready. I can't wait to perform our duet together. So far, Courtney is the only one of our superstar helpers who have seen our performance." I say that a little louder than I intended, but I really couldn't care less. I want people to know my best friend choreographed this show. Not to have bragging rights, but to get her the love and respect she deserves for her part in bringing this show to life. "And this time, we're in front of the others, not on our own in the band room. Now's our chance to show off for Derek."

Oliver laughs. "I kind of want to show off for him, too. He's my hero, you know. He came all the way out here to help with our little high school production of his show. I don't want to disappoint him.And I'm glad I'm not the only one who considers Courtney a star here. The rest of our cast seemed to think that she was cool when she first came and said she worked on the show, but as soon as Derek showed up, she was back to being just another face in the crowd. It's sad. She deserves as much credit as he does."

"You read my mind," I reply with a smile.

We take our places onstage for Act One. David and his ensemble of followers start off the scene, and David's first rendition of "Greater Than Me" in front of Oliver is surprisingly good, considering how nervous he's been about that song. Sadie and I have to resist applauding him from backstage as we watch.

The first act goes by in a blur for me until it's time for "I'm Not Broken". Oliver and I sail through the song perfectly, not missing a beat. His choreography has improved greatly since Derek has been giving him personal coaching in these past couple days. Courtney has also been getting him to watch Derek's daily motivational message on his online video channel. My heart swells with pride as I watch him while our voices blend in perfect harmony. A lump forms in my throat, and I find myself choking back tears.

When the song ends, Ms. Dawson sends us off for a ten minute break. Oliver hobbles up to me and pats me on the back.

I don't know what's going on with me, but I know one thing.

I must not cry in front of Oliver.

"Good job," he says. "You were amazing."

"So were you," I reply. I feel tears leaking out of my eyes, and I excuse myself, telling him I'm going to get a drink of water. But instead I run to the stage craft room and collapse in tears amidst a dozen flowing costumes.

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