21 || Not Holding Back

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Chapter 21: Not Holding Back

My weekend had been filled with nothing but disappointment…

What's new there?

From going on a shopping spree which ended fruitless to exercising none stop… I swear, at some point I passed out.

My phone pinged.

Ashton - Meet at your place tonight?

I smiled at the prospect of meeting Ashton tonight, we'd been so busy, we'd barely had time to spend. I quickly typed back.

Maddie- definitely… love you

He'd been busy with getting ready for his upcoming match tonight and I with looking as presentable as I could for my first class.

I stared meekly at the full body mirror in the hallway to my first class.

Okay, I'm not gonna lie, Jess may have outdone herself this time. She'd found a perfect clothing style for me.

I wore a small brown tube top underneath an oversized full green Varsity Jacket, a pair of baggy sweatpants and white converse.

Angie had been helpful enough to lend me my purse and a little butterfly necklace I was sure she got off Shien… At least she's helping.

I drew in a deep breath, nervousness creeping in at the drastic transformation. I fought the urge to zip up my jacket, I'd never showed off myself.

You'll never get used to it if you don't take risks, I reminded myself as I tied my hair into a small bun.

The class was nearly filled up when I got in, laughter's and chats bustling through the hall as I made my way through the seats, searching for a free one.

"Maddie, over here!"

I whipped my head in the direction of Paul who was waving towards me, an empty seat by his side. Stacy right beside him.

"Hi" I grinned. "Stacy, didn't know you took this course."

"I don't." She giggled. "Had a bit of free time on my hands so I decided to keep this nobhead company." She smiled, poking his nose when she said nobhead.

I smiled, I was really happy for them, something about watching them giggle and flirt like kids warmed my heart. It reminded me how I felt around Ashton.

"Maddie, you look goood," Stacy drawled, her eyes fixed on my outfit. "What did you do? it's like you're a whole new person."

"Yeah, I love the bun," Paul added, earning a small nudge from Stacy.

"Oh do you? Mr compliment. I wear buns every time," she said, feigning anger. "Are you calling me ugly?"

"I call you beautiful every time." Paul grinned, pulling Stacy in for a kiss.

"What's this?"

I turned to find Veronica glaring right at me with a vicious gaze… in the exact same outfit as me.

Our  outfits were an exact match, her varsity jacket, tube top. Only difference was her extremely classy jewelleries and short solid black mini skirt.

"What the hell Maurice? Are you trying to look cool?" She shot as Kelsie joined her, snickering.

I sat, feeling completely helpless. I forced myself into mumbling a quiet "hi" as all the students had began staring at us.

Great! This was exactly what I'd tried avoiding.

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