halloween in liberio

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Professor Ackerman looked really good today. A little less bleary than usual, his dark spirit was in the midst of being lifted thanks to your anatomy professor. Hange was animatedly telling him a story about an experiment from her class.

And that story sounded all too familiar—it was from your class with her yesterday. The kids next to you and Sasha accidentally set their project on fire and you remember how you and Sasha fled the scene completely and rushed to the other end of the room.

"Huge flames! Their lab manual—on fire. Goggles all smoked up and—" Hange spotted you. "Y/n! Hello! Levi, you didn't tell me you had one of my students too."

Levi sullenly drawled, "I don't take note of any of my students' lives outside this class."

"Oh hush, you," Hange waved at Levi. "Y/n was next to that group in class. Y/n, tell Levi about it. Didn't it absolutely blow you away?"

You retracted a bit, eyes wide, "It almost did."

You heard Eren chuckle behind you as he walked into class. And if you looked closely enough, you could've sworn you almost saw Levi smile.

Hange laughed before her eyes lit upon Eren, "Eren! My favorite boy! How are ya?"

Her hands were in the air and you looked back at the brunette. When you raised a brow, he whispered to you, "Another family friend."

Levi then snapped at the two of you, "Get in your seats. Hange, get out. I have a class to instruct."

You followed his orders straight away and headed to your desk. A girl sat there, in your seat, pretending to not have a care in the world.

"Excuse me," you caught her attention. "This is my seat."

She looked at you, a sickly-sweet expression on her face, "I got here first. Looks like you'll have to sit in the front." When Eren sauntered over, she excitedly grinned, "Hi, Eren. Come on, sit down."

She beckoned to his empty chair besides her and Eren said, "Not until you get out of her seat."

"What?" her smile dropped.

"Get out of Y/n's seat," he repeated a bit more sternly. He then turned to you. "I'll go to the front. You sit in my seat."

"Wait," the girl stood up. "Here you go." She glared at you before dragging herself towards her actual seat in the second row.

You watched the back of her head as she walked off. On your side, Eren was calmly settling himself in his seat. You rounded towards your chair by the window, "You didn't have to do that."

"It wasn't out of the kindness of my heart. She just pissed me off," he explained.

"A lot of people seem to piss you off," you pointed, light and airy with your joking tone.

Eren glowered at you, "And right now, you're pissing me off too."

You teased, "I should start running because whenever you say that someone gets their ass beat."

Eren lightly kicked the back of your heel while you sat with him, "Shut up. You gonna tell me about this whole explosion that you and Sasha witnessed?"

You kicked him back, but not too hard, "We had lab yesterday, and the pair next to our table mixed something flammable into the beaker. We were supposed to look at cheek cells under the microscope. I don't know why they mixed random shit Hange had in the room and used the Bunsen burner."

He grinned widely, "So they set the petri dish on fire?"

"Somehow," you nodded, also laughing. "Sasha heard it before I could see. And she grabbed my hand and we both ran off panicking together."

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