Chapter 4

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At Yok's bar,

"Pete, I thought we were going to eat Khao Soi Gai, why did you bring me here?"

"Porsche wants to talk business with you!" says Pete trying to sound nonchalant but a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead.

Vegas noticed Pete's nervousness and smiled dotingly at him,

"You dared to trick me and now coiling up like a wet kitten, come here." Vegas pulls Pete closer and wipes the sweat off his forehead with a tissue before planting a light kiss at the corner of Pete's eye.

This sudden act of affection by Vegas makes Pete blush hard and he hides his face inside Vegas's chest thanking heavens that they were in the VIP booth and the club was dimly lit otherwise people would have seen a grown man burning up and turning red like a teenage girl. Pete could smell Vegas's strong cologne and it reminded him of this morning, Pete got hard just thinking about all the lewd things they did this morning, and he couldn't resist the temptation to lick Vegas's nipple that was right next to his face. in a sudden rush of excitement, Pete strokes his tongue on one of Vegas's nipples through his shirt.

Pete looks up at Vegas shyly trying to gauge his reaction, but Vegas's face looks contorted, Pete simply couldn't understand the expression on his face, they were looking into each other's eyes when Vegas suddenly, pulls him up and starts dragging him to the washroom.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!" cries Pete while being dragged by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm going to finish what you started," says Vegas grabbing Pete's collar tighter and smiling devilishly at him.

As they were on their way to the washrooms, Porsche came in from the other side along with Daeng, his bodyguard.

Vegas stopped walking as soon as he saw Porsche come in, he let go of Pete's hand immediately and gave a bitter laugh glaring at Porsche.

"It's true what they say, couples do start to look alike after a while," says Vegas, looking up and down at Porsche and gesturing for him to take a seat in the VIP booth.

"My father was a foolish bastard but he did one fucking thing right before he died,  he put his affairs in order, it's like he knew his time had come. The  casino, the house, and the hotel business are all under my name. you can keep the import-export business and the chocolate factory, I no longer have the will nor the need to do Kinn's dirty work for him." says Vegas in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I don't care about the business, help me take Khun Korn down." says Porsche in a serious tone, looking in Vegas's eyes.

Vegas blurts out a laugh so loud that other people in the bar started looking at them.

"Porsche, what the fuck are you saying? You asked me to bring him here so that you could talk business with him, do you have any idea what you're saying? says Pete anxiously.

"I knew this guy was far from fucking boring like Kinn, but what makes you think I will help you do that? I just want to live my life in peace. Pete and I will run the two businesses together. Macau is already studying medicine, I don't want to live like an immoral vulture anymore. I want to be a better person for Pete and Macau, besides, why do you want to take him down? I thought he gave you everything you wanted? Even kept your mother alive for you?" asks Vegas, taking Pete's hand in his and lightly stroking it. Pete also smiles at Vegas feeling relieved and admiring him for his thoughtful decision.

"She is alive you say?  She is traumatized, she has been played by Korn and his sick tricks. I knew this the moment I saw her in that secret room. I only accepted this position to be close to Korn so that I can find out what exactly he did to my mother. I need your help to find out what happened between Korn, my mother, and your father. Khun Kan wanted to say something about Korn before he shot him" says Porsche in a pleading tone.

"And what does your Husband Mr. Kinn Annakin Theerapanyakul has to say about all this?" asks Vegas getting more and more intrigued by Porsche's words.

"I want to keep Kinn out of this until I know everything there is to know about his father. Once I have proof of Korn's wickedness and his vile behavior towards my mother. I will go to Kinn and explain everything to him." Porsche says sounding impatient.

Vegas smiles and looks at Pete, "What do you say, Pete, what should we do?".

"Porsche, if what you are saying is true, then me and Vegas are willing to help you, but don't you think you should discuss all this with Khun Kinn first?" says Pete in a worrying tone.

"I, told you Pete, I don't want him to doubt his father until I have proof, also, Khun Korn is his father, do you think he will be able to maintain discretion?, If Khun Korn gets even a hint of suspicion, he will kill all three of us, including my mother and Chay. I can't take the risk." says Porsche feeling distressed.

"Fine, If Pete says, we'll help you, then we'll help you, but I have one condition," says Vegas, smiling thinly at Porsche.

"What is it you want?" the desperation in Porsche's voice was apparent.

"Give this guy to me," says Vegas nodding in Daeng's direction.

Daeng and Pete both look up at Vegas in shock, while Vegas kept his gaze locked on Porsche ignoring Daneg and Pete's inordinate reactions.

"I don't understand, why do you want him? you don't even know this guy," says Porsche perplexed by this unique demand.

"He'll be my bodyguard from now on," says Vegas in an authoritative tone.

"Fine, you can have him.Give Dam to me." says Porsche wanting to get the deal done as quickly as possible.

"Deal! Chai-Yoh!" exclaims Vegas raising his Scotch glass and smiling at Porsche.

Vegas clinks glasses with Porsche and then turns to Pete to clink glasses with him but Pete's expression has turned gloomy. He doesn't raise his glas and kept looking away from Vegas.

On their way back from the bar, there is an awkward silence in the car. Pete and Vegas are sitting at the back while Daeng is driving Vegas's black Maybach. Vegas holds Pete's hand and looks at him. Pete refuses to meet Vegas's eyes and shrugs him off. Vegas holds Pete's chin and gently turns him so that their eyes meet.

Vegas then brings his face closer to Pete's and whispers gently in his ear,

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive. Please forgive me."

The hair on Pete's body stood up as he listened to Vegas's sensual and heartfelt apology. Pete cursed himself for always getting swayed by his  devilish charm. The more bad things he does, the more Pete feels the urge to give in to him. Pete grabs Vegas's face and kisses him fiercely. Vegas smiles at him and with one swift movement, makes Pete sit on his lap. He grabs Pete's hair with one hand and holds his tiny waist with the other. Vegas starts to lick and bite Pete's neck, moving his hand all over Pete's upper body. He pinches and pulls at Pete's nipples making him squirm and moan on top of him.

Daeng tries his hardest not to look in the rearview mirror but when he hears Pete's soft moan, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at it. As soon as Daeng looks in the mirror, he sees Vegas looking directly at him, smiling. Daeng's heart drops and he looks away quickly.


Author's Note:

One thing is for sure, Pete is Vegas's biggest simp! 🤣. I'm slowly getting scared for him lol.

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