Chapter 26

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"Swadee-Khrap P'pete!" Chay greets Pete as he enters the living room where Pete is having his dinner, sprawled out in front of the sofa. Pete is still wearing his light blue dress shirt with three of its top buttons undone, and his navy blazer is draped neatly over the back of the sofa. He is catching up on his favorite Korean drama while digging his chopsticks into a warm bowl of spicy noodles.

"Oh hey Chay, how long has it been since I last saw you? Come, sit here." Pete calls Chay over to sit next to him on the sofa. Chay immediately feels a wave of warmth and comfort wash over him as he recalls all the wonderful memories he made living in this house with Pete, Vegas, and Macau. Chay walks over to Pete and sits down next to him. "It's been a long time, I missed you Phi, I missed Phi Vegas's cooking too." A soft smile plays on Chay's lips as he looks at Pete with genuine fondness and affection in his eyes. 

"Well, I'd love for you to come back and live with us again. The house feels empty without you. But I am not sure what to say considering the situation between you and Macau."

"About that, I really want to talk to P'Macau, is he home?" Chay asks Pete with nervous anticipation.

"He is in his room, but I think Alice is here, Macau tutors her so I think he is doing that right now," Pete says hesitantly, unsure of how Chay will take this information.

"Phi, it's 11:00 PM at night !!! what the hell is she still doing with him in his room??" Chay's voice trembles with a mix of anger and jealousy. He stands up, anger burning in his chest, and mind racing with dark images of Macau laying on top of Alice, slowly removing her top, their bodies rubbing on each other, and Macau slowly slipping his dick inside her. Chay's jaws clench as he storms outside the living room and goes to find Macau in his room.

"Chay!! Chay!! wait! Listen..don't be hasty!..." Pete could only mumble the last few words helplessly as Chay leaves the room in anger. "What a fucking mess! It seems like the younger brother is even more hot-headed than the older brother. God bless their little love story. Wait..did he just say 11 PM? Where the fuck is Vegas? Is he still with Porsche?" Pete gets up from the sofa, picks up his half-eaten bowl of noodles, and goes into the kitchen, dumping it in the sink and deciding to take a quick shower first and then call Vegas to ask him about his whereabouts.

As Chay walks down the dimly lit corridor toward Macau's room, he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. Each step he takes feels heavier than the last, and a sense of anxiousness washes over him like a tidal wave. He's afraid of what he might find inside the room, afraid of seeing Macau and Alice together, sharing a moment that might shatter his heart. Chay's mind is flooded with thoughts and questions, the jealousy gnawing at him relentlessly. He wonders if he's been replaced, if Macau and Alice have grown closer in his absence if they share a bond that he could never replicate. It's a painful and vulnerable place to be, but he can't help the waves of jealousy that crash against his heart.

As he approaches the door to Macau's room, Chay hesitates for a moment, his hand trembling slightly before he finally gathers the courage to twist the door handle. As the door creaks open, he finds Macau sitting at his study table, a few textbooks and notebooks neatly arranged in front of him. Alice is there too, sitting on the bed with a stack of books scattered around her. She looks intently at Macau's explanations, her eyes bright with interest and concentration.

Chay takes a deep breath, still feeling a pang of jealousy, but his anger has subsided and is replaced by feelings of regret and sorrow. "Phi, someone is at the door," Alice says, patting Macau on his shoulder, gesturing him to turn around and look at the door. 

"Chay?? What are you doing here this late at night?" Macau asks Chay in a concerned voice as he walks up to him.

"Question is, what the fuck is she doing here this late at night?? I fucking lived here." Chay says bitterly as anger builds up inside him.

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