Chapter 16

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"Phi, Tomorrow is the last day of our midterms, should we go out to celebrate?" Chay asks Macau as he plays a game on his phone while laying down on the bed in Macau's room.

Macau stops revising for his exam and thinks about what to say to Chay. He feels bad for avoiding Chay,  but since the awkward incident that happened about a week ago, Macau ended up avoiding spending time with Chay as he is afraid that if he gets close to Chay again, his real feelings for him will show.

"I already have plans with my friends tomorrow. Let's hang out later."

"Are you upset with me Phi? Did I do something wrong?"

Hearing Chay's anguished voice, Macau clenches his fists tightly. He wanted to hug him tight to let him know how much he cares for him, How much he loves him, but he knew he had no rights over Chay, Chay still loved P'Kim and so there is no room for him in Chay's life. 

"No, why would you think that?"

"You keep avoiding me like I am some kind of disease. You don't meet me at the university, you don't hang out with me at home. You keep giving excuses for not going to the university with me in the morning. What else am I supposed to think?"

"It's just because of the midterms. You know how much medical students have to cram before the exams right?"

"Don't lie to me, I know you are angry because I asked your help to deal with P'Kim. You resent me because I made you lie to your brother."

"You know it's not that. I would have never agreed to do it if I was afraid of lying to him."

"Then what is it? Why are you ignoring me?" Chay's eyes well up with tears as his voice cracks. He hides his face with his hands, as complicated feelings threaten to reveal themselves in front of Macau. 

Macau couldn't stand to see Chay crying like that in front of him. His heart hurt to see Chay in pain and he hated himself for being the reason for this pain. Macau immediately gets up from his study chair and walks over to the bed, he holds Chay's face in his hands and lifts his chin up, making him look up.

"I am sorry I didn't hang out with you. it's my fault, so don't cry okay? You know I hate to see you cry..hmm?" Macau says in a gentle voice.

Chay wraps his hands around Macau's waist and puts his head on Macau's stomach, tightly hugging him. 

"Promise me you won't ignore me anymore."

"I promise, I won't."

"Promise to go out to eat with me tomorrow evening."

"I really can't, I am the class head, and all my classmates are counting on me to take them out for drinks tomorrow after the exam."

"Then let me join you."

"You really don't give up, do you?"

"You know I don't." Chay smiles at Macau, hugging his waist even tighter. Macau smiles back at him as he tenderly plays with his hair. 

"Hey meng, Alice has been asking me to set her up with you since the day you came to my house for that group study,  I didn't want to say anything to you at first because I know you get annoyed when I talk to you about girls, but recently she has been pestering me a lot so I kind of invited her to come to the bar with us today." Macau's friend Pond hesitantly approaches the subject, as they were walking out of the examination hall after finishing up their last exam of the day.

"What? why would you bring her to the party? I told you before, I am not interested in your sister."

"You think I haven't tried telling her that already? That girl is as stubborn as a mule. She is convinced that she can make you like her. Why don't you try giving her a chance? You are not dating anybody right now anyway, who knows, you might end up falling for her."

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