Chapter 15

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"Khun Vegas, I..I was just looking through my phone, I..I don't have a crush on P'Pete." Daeng stood up immediately, he dropped his phone on the floor. His palms started sweating profusely and he took several steps back, now standing at the other end of the room, his back facing the wall.

"Who said I was talking about Pete."

"Huh? Oh..."Daeng realized that in his nervousness, he had dug a deep hole for himself. "Khun Vegas, I assure you, even though I have liked P'Pete for a long time, I will never confess to him. I will never let him know about my crush. You can trust me."

Vegas slowly takes a step closer to Daeng and was now standing very close to him, looking right into his eyes. His expression was serious, as he kept cracking his knuckles. The popping sound of Vegas's knuckle joints and the pin-drop silence in the room make Daeng's body tense up and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I heard your family is broke. You send money to them every month, don't you? Your father is a drunk. Your sister is still in high school. How will they survive when the only breadwinner of their family is out of a job and nobody in Thailand is willing to hire him because they are scared of a certain mafia family?"

Hearing this, Daeng breaks down in tears and falls at Vegas's feet."Please, Khun Vegas, I will do anything, please don't fire me. I won't even look in his direction. I will never even dare to think about him, even in my dreams. Please."

"Do something to prove to me that what you are saying is true and that I can trust you. And don't think about cutting your wrist or silly things like that, do something substantial. I am quite the fan of yakuza movies." says Vegas as he goes to sit on the bed, his hands folded and an amused smile on his face.

Daeng understood the meaning of Vegas's words. He sat on the floor for a while, contemplating what to do while Vegas kept looking at him entertained by the different expressions on his face. After sitting in silence for a while, Daeng takes out a sharp folding knife that was given to him during the bodyguard training, along with other weapons.

He then walks towards the Japanese table that was kept in the corner of the room, sits down, and places his left-hand flat on the surface of the table. With one swift movement, he slashes through his pinky finger. Daeng does not make any sound as his severed finger rolls off the Japanese table and falls to the floor. Vegas smiles satisfactorily and bolts into the bathroom to grab a clean towel and some tissue rolls.

He then proceeds to tightly wrap Daeng's left hand to stop the bleeding, picks the pinky finger off the floor, and wraps it with the tissue paper.

"Come with me," says Vegas, as he goes downstairs into the kitchen, fills a plastic bag full of ice, and carefully places the wrapped pinky finger into the bag.

When Daeng and Vegas arrive in the living room, everyone looked at the two in horror. Daeng had a pained expression on his face as he held his left hand which was covered in a blood-stained white towel. Vegas was quietly standing alongside him holding a plastic bag full of ice.

"What the fuck happened upstairs?" says Pete as he rushes to examine Daeng's hand.

"Nothing much. I was showing Khun Vegas, my new knife when it accidentally fell on my hand and I got a slight cut." Daeng says half smiling.

"A slight cut? Do you call this a slight cut? Your whole hand is drenched in blood, are you joking with me right now? screams Pete as he looks at Daeng in disbelief.

Vegas stood there silently, observing everyone's reactions, he couldn't help but notice that Yaai and Dtaa didn't appear to be too shocked as they looked at Daeng. Their expression was a mixture of horror and fear. As Vegas was watching Pete's grandparents, their eyes meet Vegas's, and Vegas smiled discerningly at them. Yaai and Dtaa also smiled back nervously at him.

"What are you smiling about? Did you do this to him?" Pete looks at Vegas completely horrified.

"Calm down. He is fine, just a small cut. I am taking him to the hospital right now." Vegas holds Daeng's left elbow and takes him out of the house.

"I am coming with you." Says Pete as he attempts to wear his shoes.

"No, stay here, plan the party with Yaai and Dtaa. I will bring him back in a few hours."

Yaai and Dtaa quickly come outside as they heard their names. "Uh, Yes yes, Pete, come inside. Khun Vegas will handle everything at the hospital. You don't need to go. Also, you have to help me do the cooking too. How am I supposed to cook for so many people alone?" says Yaai, grabbing Pete's hand and pulling him inside.

Vegas drives Daeng to the hospital where the doctors immediately take him into the operation room to attach his severed pinky back onto his hand. Vegas stays at the hospital for almost six hours and only when the doctors tell him that the operation was successful and that Daeng's finger was completely reattached, did Vegas go back to the house.

"How is Daeng?" asks Pete with a worried expression on his face.

"He is fine, he will come back home tomorrow morning. The doctor said his finger will heal completely in a few months' time." Vegas removes his shoes and sits down on the sofa, feeling tired after sitting on the hard hospital bench all day.

Pete's grandmother brings a glass of water from the kitchen and offers it to Vegas. Vegas thanks her politely and gulps it down quickly.

"Can I talk to you upstairs for a minute?" Pete holds out his hand toward Vegas. Vegas grabs Pete's hand and they walk upstairs to their room. Pete's grandparents exchange a quiet look with each other and retreat into their room that was on the ground floor of the house, right next to the kitchen.

"Why did you do this? I don't understand. What has he done to you.?" Pete asks Vegas as he sits at the corner of the bed.

"I didn't do it, he did it to himself." Vegas lights a cigarette as he walks towards the window and stares out into the distance.

"Why would he do such a thing to himself?"

"He said he wanted to prove his loyalty. I saw him looking at your photographs on his phone. He also admitted that he has liked you since he was young."

Vegas turns around and looks keenly at Pete. Pete walks towards him and gives him a light kiss on his lips. He then takes the cigarette from Vegas's hand and draws in a long puff, slowly letting it out and looking out of the window.

"I hope he isn't hurt too much."

Vegas smiles and hugs Pete from the back placing soft kisses on the nape of his neck.

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