Chapter 17

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Macau and Chay reach P'Yok's bar where Macau's friends were seated and had already ordered a round of drinks for the table. There were about twenty people sitting at a huge rectangular table with only two seats empty across each other. Macau's friend Pond gestures for him to come and sit beside his sister Alice.

Thinking that talking to Alice would be a good distraction from everything that happened between him and Chay at the house earlier, Macau goes over to sit next to Alice. Chay also walks over with him and sits directly across from Macau and Alice.

"Hi Phi, thanks for letting me come tonight. I know this party is only for your classmates but I still asked P'Pond to let me join in, as I am planning to apply for the medicine faculty next year and I just thought this would be a good place to get some guidance from you as you are the top student of your year." Alice raises her glass to toast Macau.

Macau noticed that her hand was shaking when she brought her glass towards Macau for a toast, her pretty face was tomato red as she was trying to hold eye contact with him. Macau found her bashful demeanor endearing. It was pretty obvious that she liked him. Macau wondered if his feelings for Chay were also transparent and evident like Alice's, and if they were, did Chay pretend to be oblivious to them because he didn't have any reciprocal feelings for him? "How embarrassing", he thought.

Macau answered her politely and clunked glasses with her. He then ordered food for everyone and looked over at Chay to ask what he wanted to eat. Chay said he wasn't hungry and chugged a full glass of beer. Macau stopped Chay midway by taking the glass away from him.

"Drink slowly, or you will get drunk quickly, and you have to eat in between otherwise you will throw up."

"I don't care, give me the glass back." Chay snatches the glass from Macau and finishes the whole thing. He then asks the guy sitting next to him to pour another glass for him. Macau's classmate who was sitting next to him poured another pint for him.

"Come with me to the washroom, I need to talk to you," Macau says to Chay as he walks over to his side of the table and grabs his hand, pulling him up.

Chay goes into the washroom along with Macau and stands in front of a stall, unzipping his trousers.

"Are you still upset about what happened at home?" Macau says as he stands near the handwash stations.

"No, I have already forgotten it."

"Then why do you look so dejected? I feel like you are angry with me about something. Is it about the kiss? I already told you I won't ever do it again, it was a mistake."

Chay zips up his trousers, turns around, and walks over to Macau. He stands close to him, looking directly into his eyes.

"Stop talking to that girl, she is my junior from high school, she is not nice."

"Why? Did she do anything bad in high school?"

"Why do you care so much about what she did in high school? Do you like her?", Chay came closer to Macau and held his waist with both of his hands. He was looking straight into his eyes, his voice was shaking as he asked this question to him.

"No, I don't. Why are you getting so upset over this?" Macau held Chay's face in his hand as he spoke gently with him.

"Don't look at other people the way you look at me." Chay reaches over to Macau and gives him a light kiss on his lips. He immediately pulls back and looks carefully at Macau to gauge his reaction.

Macau stood where he was, in a daze, he couldn't believe what had just happened.

"I like you Phi. Don't like others. Only look at me." Chay lightly cups Macau's crotch with his hand, gently squeezing it.

"It feels so good to finally say it, I really really like you Phi," Chay whispers in Macau's ear, while lightly stroking Macau's crotch which had already formed a sizeable bulge inside his jeans. Chay could feel Macau's dick growing bigger in his hand.

"You!" Macau grabs Chay's hair from the crown and kisses him, this time, the kiss was gentle and soft, like a load of tension was releasing slowly from Macau's body, through his lips. Chay parts his lips to let Macau's tongue freely explore every corner of his mouth.

"I love you, I have been in love with you for so long that I don't even remember when I started feeling this way," Macau whispers to Chay in between breathless kisses. Chay smiles as he hears Macau's confession, he places gentle kisses on Macau's face, moving from his temples to his nose, licking the corner of his lips and enticing him to kiss his mouth.

It was agonizing for Macau to get teased like this and not do anything so he fiercely pins Chay to the wall and presses his body against chay's kissing and biting his neck, he wanted to strip Chay down right here and take him savagely in this public washroom, in front of everyone's eyes.

Thankfully, good sense prevails, and Macau decides against doing that.

"Let's go home," Macau said to Chay, nudging his nose against Chay's. "Phi, I want you right now." Chay pulls Macau into a stall and shuts the door, he then unbuttons Macau's shirt and places kisses on his chest, stroking his nipples with his tongue, and gently tugging at them.

"Ahhh, you! You will be the death of me someday." Macau says as he unzips Chay's trousers and slips both his hands inside his underwear kneading his ass and squeezing it and spreading it apart with his firm hands. Macau licked and sucked Chay's neck causing several little bruises on his pale translucent skin.

"Ahrrghh, I can't wait anymore Phi, I want you inside me." Chay pleads to Macau, Macau stops and zips back Chay's trousers, before putting his shirt on and straightening himself.

"Let's go home. I don't want our first time to be in a place like this.", says Macau as he holds Chay's hand and walks outside the washroom.

They walked toward the group table to let everyone know that they were leaving, but as soon as they reach there, they spot Kim and his bodyguards talking to his classmates.

"Oh there they are, Hey Macau, Phi Kim was asking about you two, we thought you both have already left, but good that you are here." One of Macau's classmates said as Macau and Chay stood there in surprise.

"Chay, Khun has asked me to bring you back to the main house, he has something he wants to talk to you about." Kim ignored Macau and only spoke to Chay.

"I will go to meet him tomorrow Phi." Chay said to Kim as both of them start to walk toward the main exit. It seemed like Kim was not in the mood to let this matter end so quickly, Kim and his bodyguards stop the pair from getting out by blocking the exit.

At this point, P'Yok came out from behind the bar area and urged everyone in the club to get out from the back exit as she knew that anytime, anyone from the Theerapanyakul family, brings in an army of bodyguards and stops someone, it means the situation is serious, and nobody inside the club, including the club's property is safe from damage.

P'Yok was concerned for Chay but she knew that no matter how angry Kim is, he would never ever lay a finger on Chay, so she thought it would be better for the brothers and Chay to have some privacy and talk the matter out. So she excuses herself and together with her staff, steps out of the bar.

"Phi, let us go. I told you before, that Chay and I are together and there is nothing you can do about it." Macau held Chay's hand firmly and looked straight into Kim's eyes, letting him know that he might be Kim's younger cousin but he won't back out from fighting Kim in order to protect his love.

"You, shut the fuck up." Kim says to Macau in a matter-of-fact tone, he then walks over to them, and with a swift and heavy strike of his hand, separates Macau and Chay's hands that were held together, he then holds Chay's hand tightly and walks out of the bar.

Macau and Chay shout each other's names and Macau fights Kim's bodyguards with all his might, but however hard he tried, it was impossible to fight off more than 10 burly bodyguards who were throwing punches at him and kicking him brutally.

Macau keeps trying to fight the bodyguards off and run over to Kim's car but he was beaten to a pulp and passes out on the floor near the exit door while Kim drives Chay away.

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