Chapter 29

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"Who the fuck are you calling? Give me the phone!!!!" Vegas's usually warm gaze toward Pete is filled with a manic rage. Face blazed with the intensity of his anger, Vegas pounces on Pete, snatching the pistol from his hand and throwing it across the floor.

Pete looks at Vegas in shock, he is usually always amazed to see how incredibly powerful and swift Vegas is, but he can't help but feel a sense of defeat at this moment.

Lying on top of Pete, Vegas holds his face with both hands, a touch that is both gentle and commanding. "Pete, I know what I did was wrong, I don't know how to make you believe that you are the only one I love. I just...I just..I have never..." Vegas's voice falters, his words catching in his throat, as he searches Pete's eyes, desperately hoping to find understanding, forgiveness, anything to bridge the chasm that has formed between them.

Pete musters up all of his strength and gives Vegas a vigorous kick on his lower abdomen, the sudden impact rockets through Vegas's body like a thunderbolt and he screams in pain, immediately falling to the side and curing up his body in a desperate attempt to quell the searing pain that radiates from the point of impact. Pete calmly puts on a loose pair of joggers and walks to the other end of the room picking up the pistol that's lying on the floor. With tear-filled eyes, he opens Vegas's sex toy cupboard and takes out a cowhide leather rope. Admiring its smooth texture and strength, he quietly walks back up to the bed and sits right next to Vegas who is still clutching his abdomen, trying to soothe the gnawing ache that twists and contorts his insides.

"Pete, talk to me..what do you want to do? I am willing to do anything to earn your forgiveness. You want to hurt me? C'mon beat me, beat the shit out of me, break my bones, Leave me shattered if it means you'll feel better. I deserve it. I'll take every blow, and endure every ounce of pain if it means I can make things right with you. Just please, let me try to make amends." Vegas's face contorts in agony as he struggles to form words, his lips trembling with the effort to vocalize through the haze of pain. Blood trickles down Vegas's mouth in a crimson stream, staining his lips and chin with the stark evidence of his injury. And yet, despite the pain and the fear that courses through him, there's a steely resolve in Vegas's gaze, a determination to endure no matter the cost.

Pete's gaze remains steadfastly averted, his eyes are fixed on some distant point in the room as he pointedly avoids eye contact with Vegas. Despite Vegas's attempts to draw him in, Pete's stoic demeanour remains unchanged, his jaw is set in a firm line as he maintains his stance of detached indifference. vegas, still clutching his stomach, slowly sits up and with a heavy heart, he turns his gaze towards Pete, a pang of regret shoots through him. 

"Pete, say something, how can I make this right?"

"How can you make this right? Well, I can tell you one thing, you cannot make everything back to how it was with a few empty apologies....Did his lips feel good? You always wanted to kiss them didn't you?" Pete's words come like a sudden storm, laced with the venom of pent-up frustration and betrayal. Each syllable is sharp and cutting, slicing through the air with an intensity that leaves Vegas reeling.

"NO, I was just drunk...I didn't...Pete you know about my history, I was so consumed by my anger and jealousy towards Kinn that sleeping with his partners became my second nature...It's like driving or brushing my teeth in the morning, or shooting my enemies, it's so ingrained in me that I involuntarily find myself trying to acquire everything and everybody he loves." Vegas slowly approaches Pete and sits next to him. As he gazes upon Pete's sullen face, Vegas's heart aches with a profound sense of longing and regret.

In the hushed stillness of the moment, Vegas searches for the right words, a lifeline to bridge the gap between them and mend the fractures in their relationship, "Pete, I can't take back what's already happened but I want to change, I want to to break free from the cycle of violence and betrayal that has defined so much of my life. But I need your help, Pete. I need you to believe in me, to give me a chance to prove that I can be better than the person I used to be." 

As he sits in silence, grappling with the storm raging within him, Pete's gaze drifts to Vegas, he gently holds Vegas's chin in his hand and turns his face towards him, "I know you didn't just make out with him...what else did you do? fuck him?"

Vegas swiftly raises his face that was hung low in regret and stares into Pete's eyes with a mixture of surprise and admiration. He couldn't help but feel a little terrified of how Pete might react to the truth he now held in his gaze, "I..I let him blow me for a few minutes." Vegas says hesitantly.

"Oh Okay, no worries, then I'll let someone fuck me for a few minutes, just to make this even and then we can forget all about it." Pete says in a matter-of-fact tone and starts fishing for his phone under the pillow.

"WHAT???? Are you fucking insane? What is wrong with you? You are not fucking anyone you understand?" 

Pete ignores Vegas and types a quick message on his phone. As soon as he hit send, Vegas snatches his phone in anger. But before he can utter a word, Pete reacts with startling speed, snatching the phone back from Vegas's grasp and hurling it across the floor with a violent motion. The suddenness of Pete's action catches Vegas off guard, the phone slipping from his fingers and shattering into three pieces as it collides with the unforgiving surface of the floor. The sound of breaking glass echoes through the room, a stark reminder of the fragility of their relationhsip and the depths of Pete's anger.

"PETE!! STOP! You are not having sex with anyone else other than me, you understand???" Vegas roars in anger, pouncing on Pete and grabbing him by the throat. His voice reverberates with a primal intensity, his words a fierce declaration of possessiveness and desperation.

 "PETE! You will stop now! Who did you text?" But before Pete can respond, a sudden knock on the door shatters the tense silence, interrupting their confrontation with an unexpected intrusion.

As they lie on top of each other in a tense standoff, the air thick with unresolved tension, Pete's sudden shout cuts through the silence like a knife. "Come in!" His voice rings out with a mixture of defiance and determination, a clear invitation to whoever stands on the other side of the door.

In the split second that follows, Pete moves with lightning speed, swiftly shifting his position until he is now lying on top of Vegas, pinning him down with a forceful grip. In one fluid motion, he retrieves the cowhide leather string from the pocket of his joggers. and ties vegas's hands tightly above his head to the wooden bars of the headboard.

"What the fuck???? What the hell are you doing?" As Vegas struggles against his restraints, Pete's eyes gleam with a fierce intensity, his voice is laced with a potent mix of anger and hurt.. "You knew what you were getting into the day you had sex with me for the first time at the lake house. Do you think I'm some bitch who will take your unfaithfulness lying down? I trusted you with my heart, and you threw it away like it meant nothing to you. How could you do this to me, Vegas? How could you betray everything we had together? You will see today who you've messed with."

"Phi Pete!" Daeng's voice cuts through the tense atmosphere, breaking the palpable silence that hangs heavy in the room. He is standing at the door, dressed in a loose grey t-shirt and black joggers, his face betrays the weariness of the late hour with a sleepy expression. 

"Daeng, come in..tell me, you've always wanted to fuck me right?"


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