Chapter 7

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"Are you okay? Do you have a fever or something? You went out with your new friends tonight right? Did you drink too much?" Macau said looking concerned and placing the back of his palm on Chay's forehead to feel his temperature.

"I am alright phi. I am not drunk. You have to listen to my whole proposal before reacting like this. It will all make sense to you once I share my problem." Chay brushes off Macau's hand, stands up and comes close to Macau's chair. He bends forward, looks into Macau's eyes, and takes his face in both hands making him look up towards Chay. "Will you at least listen to my problem, please? hmm?"

As soon as Macau looked into Chay's puppy eyes, he knew he had lost whatever battle of resistance this was. Chay was looking down at Macau with round beautiful eyes, his brows slightly furrowed, his nose scrunched up, and his lips slightly swollen and red after eating spicy tom yum noodles for dinner. Macau felt a desperate urge to bring his face closer and kiss those swollen lips, he has wanted to kiss that small beautiful mouth since the first time he saw Chay at the main family house.

The longer Macau looked into Chay's eyes, the more his real feelings threatened to exhibit themselves. Macau felt his dick getting hard just by being in such close proximity of Chay so he pushed him back onto the bed and turned his chair around to hide his growing erection under the study table.

"Fine, I'm listening. But your reasoning better be fucking good because there is no way in hell I am agreeing to do something this stupid and illogical."

"Alright, but why are you looking away Phi? look at me when I am talking to you."

"Umm, I have to solve some of these math problems before my test tomorrow. So just keep talking while I do these," says Macau, hiding his tomato-red face in the book and trying to distract himself by reading the math problem in his book.

"So, about P'Kim, I want him to leave me the fuck alone. I don't want anything to do with him anymore. He keeps showing up at my faculty trying to talk to me and no matter how much I try to ignore his texts and phone calls he doesn't seem to get the hint that I no longer want him in my life. I am thinking, if I tell him that you are my boyfriend and he sees us acting lovey-dovey on campus, he will finally get the hint and leave me alone."

"But you are still in love with him aren't you? Why don't you try giving him a chance?"

"I don't know, I think I hate him more than I love him. I want him to suffer, I want him to feel the sadness and despair I felt when he blatantly rejected me and told me that he only used me to get information about my brother. Ever since I realized what love was, I pictured only him in my dreams. His cocky yet gentle face, his silky warm chocolate-like voice, and his arrogant but deep eyes were the only things I saw when I thought about love. What he did to me was not just simple rejection. He played with my feelings, he ruined my experience of first love, and he crushed my soul, it felt like I was beaten down and left to die. I want to close his chapter from the book of my life. I want to move on and follow my dreams and I want you to help me get rid of him. I know you won't say no because you have never denied me, so help me okay Phi?" Chay said, looking down at his hands that were resting on his lap. His eyes welled up with tears and he sniffled his nose trying to suppress the feeling of curling into a ball and crying his eyes out.

Macau looks lovingly at Chay, he wanted to erase all the bad memories of his past and fill them with happy and joyful memories of the present. He gently lifts up Chay's chin with his index finger and says,

"I will do whatever you say okay, so don't get upset anymore. I don't like to see you cry, I like to see you smiling goofily at me. If you think us pretending to be boyfriends will make P'Kim go away then we can try that, but knowing P'Kim since childhood, I am getting a feeling that it won't be that easy."

"Don't worry P, I have planned everything out, within ten days, P'Kim will be out of my life and I will be the happiest single guy alive!!" exclaims Chay as he wipes his tears and flashes a big goofy smile at Macau melting his heart again for the thousandth time.

In the car,

"Oii!! Ouch!! It fucking hurts, stop munching on my ear like it's a piece of dried chicken!" Pete shouts at drunk Vegas who kept on kissing Pete and biting him at random places on his body.

"Are you ready baby? Are you ready for daddy? Do you want more pain than pleasure today or more pleasure than pain? Tell me, baby. Daddy will give you everything you want today!" says Vegas in a husky voice breathing heavily next to Pete's ear. The gentle breeze of his voice brushed past his ear making Pete's entire body tingle with excitement.

"Will you stop talking?? Why the hell are you saying this in front of Daeng?" hissed Pete, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his childhood friend hearing all about his preferences in bed.

"Don't worry baby, this guy knows to keep his eyes and ears shut, don't you Daeng?"

"Uh, Kharp Kharp.." Daeng could only helplessly utter these two words while awkwardly shifting in his driving seat and avoiding looking at the rearview mirror at all costs.

"You know what I am going to do to you tonight don't you?" Vegas stares fiercely into Pete's eyes and grabs hold of his neck tightly, tilting it up and smirking at him.

Pete's whole body shudders in excitement and fear. He puts both his hands on top of Vegas's hand that is holding his neck and stares back at Vegas with gentle teasing eyes.

"I can't wait daddy."

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