Chapter 11

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"Why don't you come to Chiankhan with us? your older brother and I rarely see you in the house these days, you leave early in the morning and don't come home until late at night. All I see you do is study and sleep in your room. I know the second year is tough but you should take a break sometimes too." Pete complains to Macau as he sits on the floor of his room and neatly arranges his clothes into a big suitcase. Macau is sitting cross-legged on the sofa, reading one of his academic worksheets.

"Phi, I told you I can't skip classes, I have my mid-terms coming up soon. Besides, my brother already told me it's your honeymoon trip and I am not allowed to come with you guys." Chuckles Macau, looking at Vegas who is reclining on the bed, leisurely reading a book that had the title 'the white book' imprinted on its front cover.

"Huh? Why did you say such a thing to him? I already told you that we'd ask Macau to join us." Pete looks over at Vegas with displeasure.

"I didn't tell him not to come, I only told him it's our honeymoon trip. Now, it's his choice whether he wants to join us or not." Vegas kept reading his book.

"How is that any different? Macau, don't listen to this guy, it's not a honeymoon trip. We are going there to meet my Yaai. Come with us, it will be a fun trip, there are a lot of beaches in my hometown. Let's take Chay along too." Pete said, rolling his eyes at Vegas who was too engrossed in his book to notice the annoyance on Pete's face.

"My brother is right Phi, you two should go alone this time. You both deserve a honeymoon trip together, after everything you've gone through. Chay and I are too busy with university anyway, it will be difficult to take a break right now." Macau looks up at Vegas who is smiling broadly at him and giving him a big nod of approval.

"Don't think I didn't see you guys smiling and winking at each other. I am letting you go this time Macau, but for the next three days, until we go, you have to eat dinner with us every evening, or I am not going anywhere with him." Pete stops packing and crosses his arms, looking up and sulking at Macau.

"Okay, okay Phi, don't get upset, I promise I will eat dinner with you every single night from now on, alright?" Macau moves over to the floor and gives a big hug to Pete.

In the evening,

Kim stands outside Kinn and Porsche's room at the main house, contemplating whether to knock on the door or not. He finally makes up his mind and knocks on the door.

"Oh Hey, Kim!"

"Wadee P'Porsche, P'Kinn."

"Wadee Kim, Come in, we were just getting dressed to go out. Have a seat." Porsche gestures for Kim to come in as he walks back to the bed where Kinn is sitting wearing a towel, freshly showered, his hair dripping wet. Porsche starts to dry Kinn's hair with a hair dryer while Kim walks to the bar area in the room and pours himself a glass of whiskey.

"Where have you been these days? I don't think I've seen you at all this month" Kinn says as he makes a motion with his hand to tell Kim to pour a glass for him too.

"Well, I've been busy with uni, and also this new album I'm working on. Umm, P'Porsche, I just went into Chay's room and its empty, do you know where he is? I wanted to talk to him about rescheduling the music class next week."

"Oh Yeah, Chay told me that he's been getting music lessons from you. Didn't he tell you? He doesn't live here anymore. I asked him so many times to stay here with us but he says its convenient to live at the other house because Macau and him go to the university together in the morning. Why don't you call him and discuss? These days he has become so secretive, he doesn't tell me anything. If I knew that growing up and going to uni will change him so much, I would have cherished our time together more." Porsche sits down beside Kinn in a reflective mood. Kinn pats Porsche's hair lightly and brings his whiskey glass to Porsche's lips, offering him to take a sip.

"Er, okay, you guys carry on, I have some things to take care of. I'll take your leave." Kim waii's his brother and Porsche as he walks towards the door, Kinn exclaims at Kim to visit often as he was walking out of the room.

It was 10 pm at night when Kim's car halts in the parking lot of the second family's house. He gets out of the car and is ushered in by the bodyguards. Chay, who was rummaging the refrigerator in search of a night time snack, spotted Kim walking through the corridors, he panics and quickly runs towards Macau's room.

When Chay enters Macau's room, Macau was standing outside his bathroom, almost naked. His t-shirt was on the floor and his jeans were rolled down to his ankles. He was removing his clothes in order to jump into the shower.

"What the hell!" Macau exclaims as Chay barges in through the door, grabs Macau's hand and drags him towards the bed. Chay pushesMacau on the bed and climbes in next to him. He then pulls the blanket up towards them and lays beside Macau quietly hugging him.

Macau looks at Chay in shock and confusion when suddenly there is a knock on the door. Chay looks at Macau helplessly while Macau tries to find meaning behind his panicked expression. Chay mouths the words "P' K I M" to let Macau know who is knocking at the door.

Macau immediately grasps the whole situation, turns off the lights in the room and hugs Chay tightly, closing his eyes. Chay breathes a sigh of relief now that Macau is now in control of the situation. He also closes his eyes and waits for Kim to open the door.

When there is no voice heard from inside, Kim slowly pushes the door knob and opens the door. The room is dark with only a dimly lit lamp shade illuminating the faces of Macau and Chay peacefully sleeping in each other's arms. Kim notices that Macau is bare chested while Chay is wearing a thin white t-shirt. intense pain rises in Kim's chest, making it hard for him to breathe normally. Kim quickly closes the door and runs towards the main entrance of the house to get out of there.

Few minutes after the door is closed, Macau and Chay open their eyes. Chay is suddenly very aware of the fact that Macau is not wearing any clothes apart from his underwear. They are still hugging each other tightly. Macau on the other hand has imagined this scenario a million times in his head, he tries to control his desires but his body betrays him. All the blood in his body rushes towards his nether region, making his cock rock hard with excitement. Chay gets poked in the stomach with a sharp object and as he looks down under the blanket, he sees a huge tent rising under Macau's boxers.

When Macau realises what Chay was looking at, his face turns red, he quickly climbs out of bed, and sprints towards the bathroom.

"Uh..I think Phi' Kim is gone now, I have to shower and sleep early as I have a morning lecture tomorrow. I will see you in the morning! Fandina!"

Chay keeps laying in the bed for sometime taking deep breaths and calming himself down. Confusing emotions overwhelm Chay and he rolls around in bed trying to make sense of these new found feelings for Macau.

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