Chapter 6: Three Years Later

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Did I say fine? I meant to say, exhausting, chaos, hell on earth and the list goes on. I had a baby girl and named her, Olivia Langley, since it's also my last name, I went neutral. She has his amber eyes and my chestnut hair.

"Liv, no."

She gave me a toothy grin and then made my books fall. I sighed. How can a two year old toddler, cause so much chaos?

"No toys for today."

She quivered her lips and cried.

"Liv, no crying." I picked her up and played with her hair. And just like her momma, it calms her.

She pulled away and looked at me. "Mommy just wants to finish a report, please." I wiped my tears. I'm this close to losing this semester.

I was alone in the house. My parents, barely could babysit, so I had to take her to classes with me. Luckily, she was a Saint there. Jaxson and Raysa got so drunk, they accidentally got married. When they got their memories back from that night, they still decided to stay married. They're so in love, is sickening. So she moved to his house, next door. Cindy moved in with Fernando. And there's me...

"Will you help mommy not lose the semester." She just squished my cheeks and then kissed them. "I'll take that as a yes."

"I did it! I'm free!" My brother Cole, announced as he entered the living-room.

"That's great. What did you do?"

He took, Liv from my arms and kissed her cheeks and then hugged her. She giggled.

"I told my parents about, me not liking the opposite sex and that I have a boyfriend. And they were so understanding, I figured they wouldn't want a son whose into men." He said without missing a beat.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled.

"Thanks. And they want to meet Finn. I'm going to call him." He placed Liv on my lap and then left. I chuckled.

"Your uncle is a bit crazy." I tickled her, she laughed.


I went the next day with Liv to college. And was called to the deans office.

"A lot of your professors have told me about your performance in the their classes, you used to be on top of the class but now, you'll have to retake the classes you failed." He told me.

"But I can advance to the next one, while still retaking the old ones, right?"

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible. You've failed too many, but the ones you haven't, do the impossible to save them."

I sighed in defeat. I left his office and went back home. Well, I'll still save the ones I can.


I put Liv down for a nap on my bed and I took one with her. I need sleep, I'm sleep deprived.


I felt bad, we've been so consumed with work, that we haven't had time for Violet and Liv. We went to her house and I used the copy she gave us.

"Looks like, hurricane Liv was here." Luke said.

The place was a disaster, the kitchen had some dirty dishes, cereal, on the floor, some milk spilled on the counter. We went to her room and she was sleeping with, Liv snuggled to her.

"I had help when I had her," I wiped my tears. "And I've left her alone when she needed me the most. I'm horrible."

He pulled me to him and let me cry. " We will help our daughter."

I sobbed. "She barely has time to clean, or for herself."

Luke, help me get this place impeccable."


I entered the living room with Liv in my arms and my parents were on the couch resting.

"Where is the chaos from earlier?"

"Somewhere far away from this home." Mom told me.

"Dean, Johnson just called, an hour ago."

"I'm sorry. I've been so stressed and I feel like crying all the time." I sobbed. "And as you already know, I have to retake the semester."

"Come here." Dad motioned me to sit between them.

"Hey little princess." Mom placed Liv on her lap, she snuggled to her.

"Next year, you're going to retake the semester and be on top of the class like you've always have." Dad told me.

"I will, Liv, can stay at a daycare center. I'm still saving up for that. But-"

"We will take care of her, we will clear our schedules for this little one." Dad lightly pinched her cheeks, she giggled.

"That's too much. You guys don't have-"

"It's settled. We will help with our little princess." He grabbed her and hugged her as she did too.

"And we're also sorry." Mom hugged me. "We've been so consumed with everything, that we've abandoned you both." Mom's voice was breaking.

"It's okay mom, don't worry." I smiled.

"Since you can save a few subjects, I will come here and help with Liv, while you're in class." Mom added.


"Yes. There's also a trust fund for you and Liv. You can use yours, when you graduate and same for Liv. Until then, you can work with me at the bakery."

"Or you can work with me at the office." Dad chimed in as he made faces at Liv, she laughed.

"I'll work with mom, plus I'll get to eat cookies and cupcakes." I grinned at them, they just chuckled. "What about Liv?"

"She'll stay with me at the office. I need a little entertainment there."

"From 12pm to 5pm you'll work with me and your dad will have, Liv. This arrangement will be for the days you have classes." Mom told me.

"Thank you guys." I hugged them both. " I've missed you both."

"Same." They both said as they hugged us tighter.

I feel like I can finally breathe. 

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