Chapter 9: Trouble

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I realized, I haven't talked to my dad, Owen. He deserves to know what has happened.

"Hey dad." I greeted him.

"Hey, princess. Haven't seen you in days." He hugged me.

"Been busy, sorry dad." I gave him a cheeky smile. "Can we talk?"

"Last time you said that, I ended up being a grandfather." He teased me.

"Not pregnant, but it involves the baby daddy."

He motioned me to his office and I told him the same I told my dad, Luke.

"And he is my professor."

That part is didn't tell my other dad. He would've lost it.

"You're telling me, the baby daddy is back, he happens to be your professor and to top it all, he has a daughter and wants to get to know you." He said without missing a beat.

"Yeah, don't tell dad about Aaron being my professor."

"Violet, do you hear yourself?" He gave me a look.

"I do, but I sort of kinda like Aaron." I blew air past my lips.

"What about, Liv? Are you going to tell him about her?"

"I don't know, I-"

"Violet, he wants to get to know you better. That also includes you telling him about, HIS daughter!" Dad was mad. I really shouldn't have spilled everything.

"What if he doesn't want another daughter, what if-" tears fell down my cheeks. Stupid period, making me hormonal.

"What if he does. I can't believe I'm saying this, but get to know him and see where it goes. You're not teen anymore. You're a responsible young adult." He said as he wiped my tears.

"Dad, shouldn't you be saying, that's your professor, you're a disgrace go to hell or something like that." I said as he chuckled.

"I would've if the case was different. Like, you just met and Liv, wasn't in the picture. But she's here and she also belongs to Aaron. And you both didn't meet when he was your professor so, as far as I'm concerned, you two are just two people who like each other. No professor/student."

"Wow, you're definitely not a normal father," I laughed as he did too. "Thanks dad." I hugged him.

"I'm always here for you." he hugged me back. "And tell him, Liv deserves to know her dad."

I nodded. I opened the door and found My parents waiting outside with Liv, in dad's arms.

"How much did you hear?"

"All of it." Dad replied.

"Momma." Liv, extended her arms. I grabbed her and she snuggled to me.

"Well, I'm going to get to know Aaron. And I'll tell him the truth." I told them.

"You're 22 years old. We can't control you, just make good choices." Mom told me.

"And as Owen, said, you met way before college." Dad added.

"Thanks." I smiled at all of them.

"Dinner is ready," Grace told us.

We all went to the dining room and had dinner. Liv was a food monster all her clothes and face were covered in food.

"Liv is the cutest." Elle, said as she tried feeding, Liv, but she got attacked with mashed potato.

Nina laughed as Cole joined her. I love my siblings. Liv, loves spending time with them. Today went perfect. No secrets with my family, I just need to figure out how to tell Aaron about Liv and why Fernando didn't tell him.


Friday arrived and that meant, talking to Aaron. I hope it goes well. As for us in college, we act normal, like two besties would. I mean, gotta put the act, can't act all cute.

"Dude, Samantha was so into you, you were dumb for not paying attention to her. I'm a girl and I would've gone lesbian for her." I said to Aaron. He laughed.

Yep, I have no idea who Samantha is, I had to make that up, and act like one of the guys, in order to spend time together.

"Tell, Jaxson, we should hit the club tomorrow. I might just call Samantha." He winked at me.

"Alright." We fist bump and then we both headed our separate ways.

"How can you be buddy buddy, with that hottie?" A girl asked me.

I laughed. "hottie? Please, Aaron is just Aaron. I don't see him in the way, all of you do. That's probably why I don't see the hottie in him."

"Girl, you need help, that man is fine." Another girl told me. "Yummy."

They both left and kept saying how hot he is. Aaron is not just hot, he is extremely sexy.

"Acting buddy buddy." Raysa said as Cindy joined her.

I chuckled. "Yeah, the only way we can spend time together, he's coming by Jax's house tonight. I can't wait."

"Young love." Cindy said. Such a hopelessly romantic she is. "You two look cute together."

I just smiled.


Since Aaron was coming over, I figure I should pick up some pastries. I went to my mom's bakery and ordered a little bit of everything.

"Big party." She said as she placed everything on the counter.

"Not sure what pastries he likes, so I'm making sure there's options." I gave her a cheeky smile.

She chuckled. She instructed two guys that work at the bakery to put everything in the car. I left Liv with my mom for a few minutes while I went with them to open the car.

"Thanks, guys."

They just nodded. I went back to Grab Liv and then went on my merry way. Or so I thought I was. I parked my car like 10 parking spots away from the bakery.

"Alright, Liv. No grabbing the cupcakes in the car." I said as I picked her up. She just giggled.

We were about to reach my car, when out of nowhere, two men approached us.

"You're in my way."

Liv, wrapped her arms around my neck so tight. She becomes like this when new people enter her life. Until she gets to know them.

"Daughter of the richest man in the country. Imagine the fortune they will pay us for you and that brat." One of them said.

Chills ran through my body. No way in hell they're kidnapping us. I need to at least make sure, my baby is safe. I placed Liv, on the floor and told her to run to grandma. I punched one of them, and then I tried to attack the other but it was useless. One of them grabbed, Liv, and she screamed and cried.

"Let her go!" I cried.

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