Chapter 7: New Semester

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Things got better, my parents and even my brother helped with Liv. Fernando and Cindy also got married. I still have no news about Aaron.

"Alright Liv, grandpa is in charge while mommy is in classes and grandma at the Pastry school." I said as my dad pick her up and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"New semester, princess. Go and Ace all your classes." Mom told me.

I smiled as I nodded. I gave them a hug. Liv, gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll miss you too, babygirl." I kissed her cheek and then left.


"It kinda sucks that you won't be with us." Cindy, said as we walk to our classroom.

"I know, but we will still see at lunch." I replied.

"I needed one more day of vacation." Jaxson said as he walked towards us.

I chuckled. "I already miss Liv."

"You'll see her soon, now let's go we have only 3 minutes before class." Raysa told us. We made a run.

We parted ways, and I went to my classroom. Nothing like retaking boring subjects. Oh joy. My phone lit up and dad sent me a picture of Liv, on his desk chair eating a Graham cracker while holding a book. I chuckled.

"Good morning class."

Oh no, that voice. Please tell me is someone else with the same voice.

"This class just got interesting." A girl said.

I look up from my phone and I was right. He was here and he is going to be my professor. Aaron King. Fanfuckingtastic.

"I was informed that you all disrespected your previous professor by coming late to class, interrupting him while he was teaching, and always being on your phone."

He looked at everyone and then his eyes landed on me.

"Please put your phone away. If I see anyone with their phones while I'm giving my class, I will take your phone and destroy them. Tardiness is also not acceptable, if you're late to one class, you'll repeat it next semester. Am I clear?"

Everyone nodded. Damn, where was the man from the club? He was really fun. Although professor King looked hot while being somewhat angry. Not sure what's up with him.

"Are you married, looking for someone?" One of the sluttiest girl at this College asked him.

"My private life is none of your business. Stay out of it."

"Can we at least know your age?" Another girl asked.

"I'm 30 years old. Now enough questions unless is about this class." He said as he sat on his desk chair.

He made this class interesting. Especially with his accent. I can hear him all day. After two hours, class was over. Everyone started to leave and I was the last. As I was about to leave, he closed the door and I felt his breath on my neck.

"We meet again, Violet."

Butterflies invaded my stomach.

"Three years ago, I left you extremely satisfied." He whispered in my ear.

"And then you left." I said as I turned around.

He leaned closer to my face and said. "That's why they are called hook-ups."

"I'm going to be late for my next class."

He just smiled and then pulled away. I left the class and made my way to my next one. That was extremely intense. I almost lost it with him.


"So you're telling me, the baby daddy has returned and is your teacher!?" Raysa exclaimed.

"Yep. And it was so intense back there." I sighed.

"Are you going to tell him about, Liv?" Cindy asked.

"I don't know, he doesn't give me the, I want to get to know my daughter vibe. I'm pretty sure he's married and with kids."

"I say you tell him, and explain things and go from there." Jax chimed in.

"Maybe, but not today, tomorrow isn't looking good either." I blew air past my lips.

They just nodded. After classes were over, I went to my dad's office, since he was still there with Liv. She enjoys spending time there. I opened the door and the place was a toy-land.

I chuckled. Liv came running towards me and hugged me. "Mommy."

"I missed you, too." I kissed her cheeks.

"What do you think about my new office decorations?"

I laughed. "They're wonderful. I see you made a little tour to the toy store."

"Well, it keeps her entertained." He tickled Liv.

"Now I know why she loves being here. You're a marshmallow."

"Only with my family. The rest of the world will see the powerful CEO. Course I have another office for those reunions."

I hugged him. "You're the best, dad."

"Mine." Liv hugged his leg.

Dad picked her up and she snuggled to him.

"Dad, can we talk?"

He nodded, he put Liv down and she went to play. We sat down and I told him about, Aaron being back. Course I left out his name and our intense moment and the fact that he is my professor.

"What should I do?"

"I think, you should tell him. Your mother did the same with Owen, she gave him a second chance. Course he already knew your existence but you get my point."

"I do, what if he doesn't want her, what happens when she grows up and ask for her dad?"

"Then he'll be missing out in getting to know such an incredible little person." He smiled while looking at Liv, who was playing with some dolls.

"I'll tell him, but not today, nor tomorrow. Maybe in a week or two. But a friendship might get ruined. Fernando knew and he was still in touch with Aaron. But I told him to not say a word about Liv." I sighed.

"Then talk to him and tell him the truth and go from there. Don't leave any detail and if things go south, you're not alone."

I got up from my seat and hugged him. "Thanks dad, I needed this talk."

"Anytime."He hugged me back.

"Alright Liv, say bye to grandpa."

He picked her up and kissed her cheeks. We said bye and I left the office. Should I tell him?

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