Chapter 8: Issues

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Things were great, everything was rainbows and sunshine, but Claire decided that it was time to create issues.

"I want to stay with daddy." Jax cried.

"Mommy misses you." Claire hugged Jax. "Your grandparents have been asking me to bring you to their house."

"I want to stay here." Jax hugged my leg.

"Claire, you're barely home, and now you want to take Jax away?"

"Well, he's my son too."

I have a bad feeling about letting Jax go with Claire.

"Well too bad, you're coming with me and that's final!" She grabbed Jax by his arm really hard making him scream.

"Enough!" I picked up Jaxon who was crying uncontrollably. He buried his face in the crook of my neck.


"No, you listen to me. I've had it with you and your fucking mood swings. Jax sees you like twice a month, and you wonder why he doesn't want to go with you. And to top it all, you mistreat him." I was beyond furious.

"That's because you and that whore Valerie, have brainwash him. You think I don't know you're cheating on me!" She slapped me. "How you're having a baby!"

I heard a light snore, I saw Jax sleeping as tears fell down his cheeks. My poor boy doesn't deserve this drama.

"Just like you are cheating on me. I got an interesting call about you and some tattoo guy entering a motel and he grabbed your ass and then kiss you." I spat back.

"I will never divorce you. But if you want to be free, I need all of your money and this house, cars. You'll be left without anything."

I laughed humorless. "Finally showing your true colors, Claire. I should've listened when they told me, I was marrying a wolf dressed as a sheep."

She smirked. "What can I say Matty, I love money, I got pregnant so he could be my bank." She laughed.

"You're sick. You need professional help."

I left the house and she was screaming at me, she threatened that she would jump in front of my car if I left. I waited for her to jump. I know empty threats when I hear them. She glared at me and then stormed inside the house.


Val opened the door and I pecked her lips. I went to Jaxson's bedroom and placed him on the bed.

"Daddy?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Shh, daddy is here. You're safe in Val's house." I kissed his forehead.

He closed his eyes and was out. I left the room and Val was waiting for me. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her.

"He's only three years old, Val." Tears fell down my cheeks. "My boy doesn't deserve to go through this at a young age."

"She pulled away a bit and wiped my tears, "Claire will pay for mistreating Jax and for cheating on you."

I pulled her into a much needed kiss. I picked her up and took her to our room and made love to her, I needed to feel her, be close to her. She keeps me sane in all this chaos.

"Hey, princess. Only 3 more months, and then we will meet you." I kissed her belly and then felt a kick.

"Thanks for the kick, on the mouth." I chuckled and Val did too.

"I can't believe she told you all of that, Jax deserve better than Claire." She caressed my face.

"Yeah, but if she thinks she's getting away with everything, she's sadly mistaken. She wont see a cent, nor she will get the house. She doesn't deserve anything. I'll hire the best lawyer in the country and get a restraining order."

"And to give you full custody of Jax, because once you separate from her, she will want to keep Jax, for money purposes." She added.

I laughed. "Good luck with that, I'm this close to asking Grace to disappear Claire from my life."

Val laughed. "Well, that could be plan b." She kissed me. "First we do things the right way all legal no funny business."

I love this woman, always thinking rational.

"And then we smack her hard, Grace can shoot her and then make her disappear for good." She grinned.

I take back what I said, this woman is insane, but in a good way.

I laughed. "And here I thought you were the sane one."

She chuckled, "I am, but in this situation. We need to smack her."

"I love you, you goof." I placed a soft kiss on her lips.

She smiled. "And I love you." She snuggled to me and we fell asleep immediately.

I can only hope for the best and pray that all of this will end soon with positive results. But plan b is starting to sound really good.

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